LOCALNUTLEG presents its first innovative product prototypes based on legumes and nuts

This PRIMA project seeks to promote new products that recover these basic foods of the Mediterranean diet
On 13 and 14 October, the Innovation in Mediterranean Traditional Foods: novel products and processes (IMTF) conference was held in Bragança (Portugal), organised by the LOCALNUTLEG project, coordinated by IRTA and financed at European level by the PRIMA programme.
One of its objectives is to bring new innovative products to the plant-based food sector, promoting the use of legumes and nuts native to the Mediterranean, in order to recover one of the attractions of the Mediterranean diet.
At the event, the project partners, food companies and research centres, were invited to participate in a networking lunch where they could taste the first prototypes of the products developed. For example, spreads based on pulses and nuts, or a new concept of couscous based on chestnuts, as well as gluten-free pasta and biscuits made with flour from pulses and nuts, and fermented vegetable drink derivatives based on nuts and pulses.
The project has published a guide with all the varieties of pulses and nuts evaluated in the project in order to disseminate the nutritional value of local crops and their potential to be used as an ingredient in plant-based products (Booklet – LOCALNUTLEG).
The LOCALNUTLEG project is managed by a consortium coordinated by IRTA and made up of 20 partners from 8 countries: Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Israel, Turkey and Morocco. It is expected to publish its conclusions by the end of 2024.
You can find more information on the website: LOCALNUTLEG – LOCAL Mediterranean NUT and LEGUME