“We want animals not to get sick and fight naturally against diseases”

Animal Welfare
IRTA works on animal welfare mainly through the Animal Welfare program.
The research is developed at:
08/04/2022 · Animal welfare
11/02/2020 · Animal welfare
- 01/03/2024 · Animal welfare NEURO-COOP: Cross-border Cooperation in Neurodegenerative Diseases Research
- 01/01/2024 · Animal welfare Trans-Pyrenean network for research and development of innovative tools for the control of animal tuberculosis (INNOTUB II).
- 15/07/2023 · Animal welfare ECOBIOTA: Effect of the administration of lactic serum and humic acids on the prevention of post-weaning diarrhoea and microbiota in piglets.
- 01/01/2023 · Animal welfare Development of non-aversive stunning methods for pigs (PigStun)
- 01/09/2022 · Animal welfare PIGHAVIOUR: Estudio de las interrelaciones entre la microbiota del intestino y el comportamiento animal (eje intestino-cerebro) en porcino de engorde
- Atkinson, S., Algers, B., Pallisera, J., Velarde, A., & Llonch, P. (2020). Animal Welfare and Meat Quality Assessment in Gas Stunning during Commercial Slaughter of Pigs Using Hypercapnic-Hypoxia (20% CO2 2% O-2) Compared to Acute Hypercapnia (90% CO2 in Air). Animals, 10(12), 16, Article 2440. Animal welfare
- Dalmau, A., Moles, X., & Pallisera, J. (2020). Animal Welfare Assessment Protocol for Does, Bucks, and Kit Rabbits Reared for Production. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 18, Article 445 Animal welfare
- Krieger, M.; Hoischen-Taubner, S.; Emanuelson, U.; Blanco-Penedo, I.; de Joybert, M.; Duval, J.E.; Sjöström, K.; Jones, P.J.; Sundrum, A. (2017). Capturing systemic interrelationships by an impact analysis to help reduce production diseases in dairy farms. Agricultural Systems 153 :43-52 Animal welfare
- Casal, N.; Manteca, X.; Escribano, D.; Cerón, J.J.; Fàbrega, E. (2017). Effect of environmental enrichment and herbal compound supplementation on physiological stress indicators (chromogranin A, cortisol and tumour necrosis factor-a) in growing pigs. Animal 8 (en premsa) Animal welfare
- Magnani, D.; Ferri, N.; Dalmau, A. ; Messori, S. (2017). Knowledge and opinions of veterinary students in Italy toward animal welfare science and law. Veterinary Record 180 :225-232 Animal welfare