ACCWA, remote sensing tools to combat climate change

On 26 and 27 February, Morocco hosted the inaugural meeting of the ACCWA (Accounting for Climate Change in Water and Agriculture management) project, in which we are taking part via the Programme for Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture.
The aim of ACCWA is to develop control tools based on remote sensing for agriculture and water management in the Mediterranean and the Sahel, helping to steer risk within a context of climate change.
It also seeks to construct an inter-sectoral network and provide a means of networking among the different members of the consortium and the agri-food sector in the Mediterranean countries. In addition to the IRTA, other entities from Catalonia, France, Morocco, Tunisia and Niger will take part, including Isardsat, CESBIO, UCAM, Labferrer, the Ebro Observatory, CIRAD, Agrymed and Carthage University.
This is an H2020-Marie Sklodowska Curie Action-RISE project, which enables mobility and exchanges of researchers and support staff between research centres and companies within the consortium.