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Tarragona will host the World Rabbit Farming Congress 2024

IRTA, in collaboration with ASESCU, will organise the 2024 edition of this benchmark event for the rabbit sector

On 2, 3 and 4 October 2024, the 13th edition of the World Rabbit Congress will be held in Tarragona, at the “Palau Firal i de Congressos”, which every four years brings together the main stakeholders in the rabbit research and production sector.

The World Rabbit Science Association (WRSA), through the Asociación Española de Cunicultura (ASESCU) and in collaboration with IRTA, is organising this event in Spain. The scientific committee, made up of members of the WRSA Board of Directors and researchers from the IRTA organising committee, is currently working on the consolidation of the event’s programme.

The congress will feature several parallel sessions, which will include keynote speeches, round tables and scientific communications on the main challenges and advances in different areas of rabbit production, such as nutrition and feeding, pathology, hygiene, ethology and animal welfare, reproduction and genetics, breeding systems, quality…

Registration for the conference is now open, and scientific papers titles can be submitted until the end of February 9. Check all the dates and information about the conference on the conference website: