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This IRTA’s subprogram work in the knowledge of the relationship between agriculture and forestry productive sectors with the biotic and/or abiotic environments, on a scale ranging from the plant to the landscape, under present conditions and the conditions likely attributable to climate change, global change.

Our work is focused on adaptation and mitigation measures in front of the effects of global change on the agricultural and forestry productive sectors, to keep their quantitative and qualitative productivity, and to give socio-economic stability through the use of efficiency of energy and resources.

To carry out these tasks, the ecophysiology is used as a basic science to understand the processes and as a tool to improve and adapt methods and systems that optimize the productivity.


  • Ecophysiological characterization of wild and/or new plant material (species, varieties, rootstocks) in front of biotic and abiotic environmental stresses.
  • Water, carbon and nutrients management at landscape level under global, climate change conditions: water and nutrients flows in the interfaces between crops and other habitats.
  • Carbon balances (sinks, sources and storage rates) in agroforest ecosystems.


  • Precision agriculture. Evaluation and improve of sensors, methods and systems used in horticulture, gardening and landscape restoration.
  • Optimization of irrigation with non-conventional water. Agronomic aspects related to the design, production and type of pollutants.
  • Optimizing vineyard productivity without irrigation under Mediterranean conditions, by means of methods and systems based in ecophysiology.
  • Optimization of woody plants productivity in nurseries, by means of ecophysiological tools.
  • Study of global, climate change effects on agroforest ecosystems the South American: Tropical dry forest.
  • Relationship between landscape management and conservation. Land use for population, biodiversity and richness. Morphological and functional convergence of vegetation.