Efficient use of water


Water can be a scarce resource. So, from environmental and economic point of view, efficient, precise and sustainable management of water is increasingly necessary to maximize the use of this resource.

The Efficient use of water in agriculture takes care of this topic in the IRTA Fruitcentre.

In this topic, the homonymous program is used Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture, at IRTA Fruitcentre.

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  • Dominguez-Niño, J. M., Oliver-Manera, J., Girona, J., & Casadesus, J. (2020). Differential irrigation scheduling by an automated algorithm of water balance tuned by capacitance-type soil moisture sensors. Agricultural Water Management, 228, 11, Article 105880. Efficient use of water
  • Gispert, J.R.; Ramírez de Cartagena, F.; Villar, J.M.; Rufat, J. ; Batlle, I. (2017). Efecto del número de goteros y la frecuencia de riego sobre la producción, calidad del fruto y productividad del aguaen una plantación de alta densidad de manzanos. ITEA 113 (1 ):20-35 Efficient use of water
  • Bellvert, J., Jofre-Cekalovic, C., Pelecha, A., Mata, M., & Nieto, H. (2020). Feasibility of Using the Two-Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB) with Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Images to Analyze the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Vine Water Status in a Vineyard. Remote Sensing, 12(14), 25, Article 2299 Efficient use of water
  • Pérez, A.; De Lorenzo, C.; Benito, A.; Olivero-David, R.; Rufat, J. ; Arbonés, A. ; Paz, S.; Bonet, L.; Hermoso, J.F. ; Santos, A.; Sastre, B. (2017). Influencia del riego deficitario en olivar superintensivo cv Arbequina sobre el perfil fenólico y de ácidos grasos del aceite de oliva virgen. A: XVIII Simposium Científico-Técnico EXPOLIVA. Jaén, 10 – 12 Mayo, 2017 (Comunicació) Efficient use of water
  • Rufat, J. ; Arbonés, A. ; Villar, J.M.; Belguerri, H.; Pascual, M. (2017). Interpretación del contenido de nitrógeno foliar en olivares superintensivos . Vida Rural 426 :60-64 Efficient use of water