Professional information:
Researcher ID: C-2301-2008
Featured projects:
- EXVIPORC – Estrategias para EXtender la VIda útil de carne fresca de PORcino, desde el matadero hasta el canal de comercialización. CDTI, 2019
- NG-SAUSAGING – Towards Next Generation fermented sausage manufacturing through predictive modelling and omic approaches. MICINN RETOS, 2019
- OPTIFEL – Optimised food products for elderly populations. EU FP7. 2013-2017
- SEGURPREDICT – Seguridad microbiológica a través de la microbiología predictiva y evaluación cuantitativa del riesgo en productos cárnicos cocidos listos para el consumo y mejorados nutricionalmente y/o tratados por altas presiones. 2013-2016
- Calidad y estabilidad de productos elaborados a base de fruta mínimamente transformada con nuevos métodos de procesado. 2011-2015
- Productos cárnicos fermentado-curados funcionales y seguros. Nueva vía de ingestión de probióticos. 2009-2013
- Productos cárnicos para el siglo XXI: seguros, nutritivos i saludables (CARNISENUSA). MEC (Consolider) 2007-2012
- Estudio proteómico del estrés bacteriano asociado a los tratamientos de conservación combinados para minimizar la recuperación bacteriana y garantizar la seguridad de los productos cárnicos. 2006-2009
Featured publications:
Scientific articles
- JOFRÉ, ML. LATORRE-MORATALLA, M. GARRIGA, S. BOVER-CID (2019) Domestic refrigerator temperatures in Spain: Assessment of its impact on the safety and shelf-life of cooked meat products Food Research International 126
- HURTADO, MD. GUÀRDIA, P. PICOUET, A. JOFRÉ, S. BAÑÓN, JM. ROS (2019) Shelf‐life extension of multi‐vegetables smoothies by high‐pressure processing compared with thermal treatment. Part I: Microbial and enzyme inhibition, antioxidant status, and physical stability Jouran of Food Processing and Preservation (early view)
- S. BOVER-CID, C. SERRA-CASTELLÓ, P. DALGAARD, M. GARRIGA, A. JOFRÉ (2019) New insights on Listeria monocytogenes growth in pressurised cooked ham: A piezo-stimulation effect enhanced by organic acids during storage International Journal of Food Microbiology 290,150-158
- F. PÉREZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E. CARRASCO, S. BOVER-CID, A. JOFRÉ, A. VALERO (2017) Closing gaps for performing a risk assessment on Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods: Activity 2, a quantitative risk characterization on L. monocytogenes in RTE foods; starting from the retail stage. EFSA Supporting Publications 14(7) EN-1252E
- A. JOFRÉ, M. GARRIGA, T. AYMERICH, F. PÉREZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A. VALERO, E. CARRASCO, S. BOVER-CID (2016) Closing gaps for performing a risk assessment on Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods: activity 1, an extensive literature search and study selection with data extraction on L. monocytogenes in a wide range of RTE food. EFSA Supporting Publications 13(12) EN-1141E
- A. HURTADO, MD. GUÀRDIA, P. PICOUET, A. JOFRÉ, JM. ROS, S. BAÑÓN (2017) Stabilization of Red Fruit-Based Smoothies by High Pressure Processing. Part A. Effects on microbial growth, enzyme activity, oxidative and physical stability. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97, 770-776.
- A. HURTADO, MD. GUÀRDIA, P. PICOUET, A. JOFRÉ, JM. ROS, S. BAÑÓN (2017) Stabilization of Red Fruit-Based Smoothies by High Pressure Processing. Part B. Effects on sensory quality and major nutrients. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97, 777-783
- K. STOLLEWERK, C. CRUZ, G. FLETCHER, M. GARRIGA, A. JOFRÉ (2017) The effect of mild preservation treatments on the invasiveness of different Listeria monocytogenes strains on Greenshell™ mussels. Food Control 71, 322-328
- P. PICOUET, A. HURTADO, A. JOFRÉ, S. BAÑÓN, JM ROS, MD GUÀRDIA (2016) Effects of thermal and high pressure treatments on the microbiological, nutritional and sensory quality of a multi-fruit smoothie. Food and Bioprocess Technology 9, 1219-1232
- A. HURTADO, P. PICOUET, A. JOFRÉ, MD GUÀRDIA, JM ROS, S. BAÑÓN (2015) Application of high pressure processing for obtaining “fresh-like” fruit smoothies. Food and Bioprocess Technology 8, 2470-2482
- A. JOFRÉ, T. AYMERICH, M. GARRIGA. 2015. Impact of different cryoprotectants on the survival of freeze-dried Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus casei/paracasei during long-term storage. Beneficial Microbes 6, 381-386.
- RUBIO, R., A. JOFRÉ, B. MARTÍN, T. AYMERICH, M. GARRIGA (2014) Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from infant faeces as potential probiotic starter cultures for fermented sausages. Food Microbiology 38, 303-311.
- RUBIO, R., A. JOFRÉ, T. AYMERICH, M.D. GUÀRDIA, M. GARRIGA (2014) Nutritionally enhanced fermented sausages as a vehicle for potential probiotic lactobacilli delivery. Meat Science 96, 937-942.
- STOLLEWERK, K., A. JOFRÉ, J. COMAPOSADA, J. ARNAU, M. GARRIGA (2014) Food safety and microbiological quality aspects of QDS process® and high pressure treatment of fermented fish sausages. Food Control 38, 130-135.
- STOLLEWERK, K., A. JOFRÉ, J. COMAPOSADA, J. ARNAU, M. GARRIGA (2014) NaCl-free processing, acidification, smoking and high pressure: Effects on growth of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica in QDS processed® dry-cured ham. Food Control 35, 56-64.
- STOLLEWERK, K., JOFRÉ, A., COMAPOSADA, J., ARNAU, J., GARRIGA, M. (2013) Die Lebensmittelsicherheit des Schnelltrocknungsverfahren für gepökelte Fleischprodukte: Implementierung der NaCl-freien Herstellung und der Hochdruckbehandlung. Fleischwirtschaft 11/2013, 109-113.
- STOLLEWERK K., JOFRÉ A., COMAPOSADA J., ARNAU J., GARRIGA M. (2012) The effect of NaCl-free processing and high pressure on the fate of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella on sliced dry-cured ham. Meat Science 90, 472-477.
- STOLLEWERK, K., A. JOFRÉ, J. COMAPOSADA, J. ARNAU, M. GARRIGA (2012) The impact of fast drying (QDS process®) and high pressure on food safety of NaCl-free processed dry fermented sausages. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 16, 89-95.
- STOLLEWERK K., JOFRÉ A., COMAPOSADA J., FERRINI G., GARRIGA M. (2011) Ensuring food safety by an innovative fermented sausage manufacturing system. Food Control 22, 1984-1991.
- ANANOU S., GARRIGA M., JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., GÁLVEZ A., MAQUEDA M., MARTÍNEZ-BUENO M., VALDIVIA E. (2010) Combined effect of enterocin AS-48 and high hydrostatic pressure to control food-borne pathogens inoculated in low acid fermented sausages. Meat Science 84, 594-600.
- JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., BOVER-CID S., GARRIGA M. (2010) Inactivation and recovery of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica and Staphylococcus aureus after high hydrostatic pressure treatments up to 900 MPa. International Microbiology 13, 105-112.
- JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., GARRIGA M. (2009) Improvement of the food safety of low acid fermented sausages by enterocins A and B and high pressure. Food Control 20, 179-184.
- JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., GRÈBOL N., GARRIGA M. (2009) Efficiency of high hydrostatic pressure at 600 MPa against food-borne microorganisms by challenge tests on convenience meat products. LWT-Food Science and Technology 42, 924-928.
- JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., MONFORT J.M., GARRIGA M. (2008) Application of enterocins A and B, sakacin K and nisin to extend the safe shelf-life of pressurized ready-to-eat meat products. European Food Research Technology 228, 159-162.
- JOFRÉ A., GARRIGA M., AYMERICH T. (2008) Inhibition of Salmonella sp. Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus in cooked ham by combinig antimicrobials, high hydrostatic pressure and refrigeration. Meat Science 78, 53-59.
- MARCOS B., JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., MONFORT J.M., GARRIGA, M. (2008) Combined effect of natural antimicrobials and high pressure processing to prevent Listeria monocytogenes growth after a cold chain break during storage of cooked ham. Food Control 19, 76-81.
- JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., GARRIGA M. (2008) Assessment of the effectiveness of antimicrobial packaging combined with high pressure to control Salmonella sp. in cooked ham. Food Control 19, 634-638.
- BOVER-CID S., JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., GARRIGA M. (2008) Modeling the combined effects of enterocins A and B, lactate, and EDTA on the growth of Salmonella at different temperatures. International Microbiology 11, 11-16.
- JOFRÉ A., GARRIGA M., AYMERICH T. (2007) Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes in Cooked Ham through Active Packaging with Natural Antimicrobials and High-Pressure Processing. Journal of Food Protection 70, 2498-2502.
- JOFRÉ A., CHAMPOMIER-VERGÈS M., ANGLADE P., BARAIGE F., MARTIN B., GARRIGA M., ZAGOREC M., AYMERICH T. (2007) Protein synthesis in lactic acid and pathogenic bacteria during recovery from a high pressure treatment. Research in Microbiology 158, 512-520.
- MARTIN B., JOFRÉ A., GARRIGA M., PLA M., AYMERICH T. (2006) Rapid quantitative detection of lactobacillus sakei in meat and fermented sausages by real-time PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72, 6040-6048.
- RODRÍGUEZ-LÁZARO D., JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., GARRIGA M. Y PLA M. (2005) Rapid quantitative detection of Listeria monocytogenes in salmon products: evaluation of pre-real-time PCR strategies. Journal of Food Protection 68, 1467-1471.
- AYMERICH T., JOFRÉ A., GARRIGA M. Y HUGAS M. (2005) Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella by natural antimicrobials and high hydrostatic pressure in sliced cooked ham. Journal of Food Protection 68, 173-177.
- JOFRÉ, A., MARTÍN, B., GARRIGA, M., HUGAS, M., PLÀ, M., RODRÍGUEZ-LÁZARO, D., AYMERICH, T. (2005) Simultaneous detection of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella by multiplex PCR. Food Microbiology 22, 109-115.
- RODRÍGUEZ-LÁZARO D., JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., HUGAS M. Y PLA M. (2004) Rapid quantitative detection of Listeria monocytogenes in meat products by real time PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70, 6299-6301.
- MARTÍN, B., JOFRÉ, A., GARRIGA, M., HUGAS, M., AYMERICH, T. (2004) Quantification of Listeria monocytogenes in fermented sausage by MPN-PCR method. Letters in Applied Microbiology 39, 290-295.
- JOFRÉ, A., MOLINAS, M., PLA, M. (2003) A 10 kDa clas I sHSP protects E.coli from oxidative and high temperature stress. Planta 217, 813-819.
- VERDAGUER, D., ARANDA, X, JOFRÉ, A., EL OMARI, B., MOLINAS, M., FLECK, I. (2003) Expression of low molecular weight heat-shock proteins (sHsps) and total antioxidant activity in the mediterranean woody Quercus ilex L. in relation to seasonal and diurnal changes in physiological parameters. Plant Cell and Environment 26, 1407-1417.
- PUIGDERRAJOLS, P., JOFRÉ, A., MIR, G., PLA, M., VERDAGUER, D., HUGUET, G., MOLINAS, M. (2002) Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of development and stress-induced small heat shock proteins in cork oak somatic embryos. Journal of Experimental Botany 53, 1445-1452.
- PLA, M., JOFRÉ, A., MARTELL, M., MOLINAS, M., GÓMEZ, J. (2000) Large accumulation of mRNA and DNA point modifications in a plant senescent tissue. FEBS Letters 427, 14-16.
Technical articles
- M. GARRIGA, A. JOFRÉ (2017) Sacar partido a las bacterias del ácido láctico en embutidos fermentados. Cárnica2000 388, 28-34
- A. JOFRÉ, M.GARRIGA, S. BOVER-CID (2016) Estrategias para la gestión del riesgo asociado a L. monocytogenes en jamón curado loncheado. Eurocarne 251, 53-57
- S. BAÑÓN, JM. ROS, A. HURTADO, P. PICOUET, A. JOFRÉ, MD. GUÀRDIA (2016) HPP como alternativa a la pasteurización térmica en smoothies de fruta. Tecnifood 3, 36-39
- A. JOFRÉ, S. BOVER-CID (2015) Recursos para la validación del procesado de alimentos mediante nuevas tecnologías (1). Cárnica2000 374, 12-17
- A. JOFRÉ, S. BOVER-CID (2015) Validación del procesado por altas presiones (2). Caso práctico: jamón curado destinado a exportación a Estados Unidos. Cárnica2000 375, 12-17
- BOVER-CID, S. JOFRÉ, A., GUÀRDIA, MD., LATORRE-MORATALLA, ML., GARRIGA, M. 2015. Hábitos de consumo y conservación de los productos cárnicos cocidos. Información relevante para una correcta evaluación y gestión del riesgo. Eurocarne 236,74-80
- JOFRÉ, A., BELLETTI, N., LATORRE-MORATALLA, ML., GARRIGA, M., BOVER-CID, S. (2014) Impacto de la temperatura de las neveras domésticas en la vida útil segura de los productos cárnicos listos para el consumo. Eurocarne 229,72-76
- STOLLEWERK, K., JOFRÉ, A., COMAPOSADA, J., ARNAU, J., GARRIGA, M. (2014) Food safety in fast drying of dry-cured meat products. High pressure and NaCl-free processing implementation. Fleischwirtschaft International 28, 78-82.
- JOFRÉ, A. Y GARRIGA, M. (2011) ¿Cuál es la problemática de Listeria monocytogenes en la industria cárnica? Revista de la Asociación de Indústrias de la Carne de España (AICE) Junio 2011, 36-42
- JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., RAURICH, S., GARRIGA, M. (2008) Combinación de obstáculos para minimizar el riesgo microbiológico en embutidos poco ácidos. Eurocarne 168, 51-58
- JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., RUBIO, R., GARRIGA, M. (2007) Films antimicrobianos y altas presiones como obstáculos combinados para el control de L. monocytogenes en jamón cocido loncheado. Eurocarne 156, 1-5
- RODRÍGUEZ-LÁZARO D., JOFRÉ A., AYMERICH T., HUGAS M., PLA M. (2004) Enumeración rápida de L.monocytogenes en productos cárnicos mediante PCR a tiempo real. Alimentaria 357, 44-47
- T. AYMERICH, A. JOFRÉ, HUGAS M. Y M. GARRIGA. (2003) Inhibición de Listeria monocytogenes y Salmonella en jamón cocido elaborado con antimicrobianos naturales y sometidos a alta presión hidrostática. Eurocarne 120, 75-79
Book chapters
- JOFRÉ, A. & SERRA, X. (2016) Processing of meat products utilizing high pressure. Dins: High Pressure Processing of Food – Principles, Technology and Applications. Editors: V.M. Balasubramaniam, Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas, and Huub L.M. Lelieveld. Springer.
- BOVER-CID, S; JOFRÉ, A.; HEREU, A; GARRIGA, M.; AYMERICH, T (2011) Las altas presiones y la bioconservación como estrategia para la obtención de productos cárnicos listos para el consumo microbiológicamente seguros. Dins: Productos cárnicos para el siglo XXI. Seguros, nutritivos y saludables. Editores: Ordóñez J.A., Córdoba J.J., Ventanas J. Universidad de Extremadura. Servicio de Publicaciones (ISBN978-84-7723-949-9)
- AYMERICH, T., GARRIGA, M., JOFRÉ, A., MARTÍN, B., MONFORT, J.M. (2006) The use of bacteriocin against meat borne pathogens. Dins: Advanced Technologies for Meat Processing. Editors: Leo M.L. Nollet y F. Toldrá. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group. Boca Ratón, FL, USA (ISBN1574445871, 9781574445879)