‘Call for papers’ for the 10th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference

Are you a researcher in plant genetics or genomics? Do you want to improve your knowledge and share a space for learning and debate about the family of rosaceae?
We are pleased to invite you to the 10th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference organized by the Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology (Genomics & Biotechnology programme) and the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB (CRAG) and to be held in the city of Barcelona from March 31st to April 3rd 2020.
This is the 10th edition of the Conference. It is a special occasion to facilitate the sharing of our knowledge on the genetics and genomics of the many species of this important family, establish new collaborations, and reinforce existing ones, which together serve to make this one of the major plant genomics events internationally.
Progress in rosaceous genetics has been phenomenal during this millennium, and continues to advance at a rapid pace. This progress has led to knowledge that is highly relevant for our species of interest and beyond, translating also to substantial applications to breeders, and the fruit, nut and ornamental industry.
The deadline to send abstracts is the 10th of January 2020.
See all the information about the Conference on the web rosaceaegenomics.com.