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  • Roca-Pinilla, R., Lopez-Cano, A., Saubi, C., Garcia-Fruitos, E., & Aris, A. (2020). A new generation of recombinant polypeptides combines multiple protein domains for effective antimicrobial activity. Microbial Cell Factories, 19(1), 7, Article 122 Ruminants
  • Terriente-Palacios, C., Diaz, I., & Castellari, M. (2019). A validated ultra-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection coupled to electrospray ionization and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry method to simultaneously quantify taurine, homotaurine, hypotaurine and amino acids in macro- and microalgae. Journal Of Chromatography A, 1589, 83-92. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2018.12.058 Animal nutrition
  • Tallo-Parra, O.; Lopez-Bejar, M.; Carbajal, A.; Monclus, L.; Manteca, X.; Devant, M. (2017). Acute ACTH-induced elevations of circulating cortisol do not affect hair cortisol concentrations in calves. General and Comparative Endocrinology 240 :138-142 Ruminants
  • Tallo-Parra, O.; Lopez-Bejar, M.; Carbajal, A.; Monclus, L.; Manteca, X.; Devant, M. (2017). Acute ACTH-induced elevations of circulating cortisol do not affect hair cortisol concentrations in calves. General and Comparative Endocrinology 240 :138-142 Ruminants
  • Vilarrasa-Nogue, M., Teira-Esmatges, M. R., Gonzalez-Llinas, E., Domingo-Olive, F., & Villar, J. M. (2020). Ammonia volatilisation from pig slurry and ANS with DMPP applied to Westerwold ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., cv. Trinova) under Mediterranean conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 724, 12, Article 137918 Porcine