ADIPREM and IRTA will collaborate on issues of health, nutrition and animal welfare
The President of ADIPREM (Business Association for Health, Nutrition and Animal Welfare), Manuel Ramos, and the managing Director of IRTA, Josep Usall, have signed a five-year agreement to maintain a joint colaboration on health, nutrition and animal welfare issues.
Specifically, IRTA and ADIPREM have established a series of initial actions in which to work together, such as the presentation of proposals for joint research projects, technology services and technology development contracts, transfer and training.
This collaboration agreement with the ADIPREM business organization allows IRTA to work together on R+D+i with its associated companies and in strategic areas such as additives, premix and veterinary medicines, looking for constant progress in health, nutrition and animal welfare, says the General Director of IRTA, Josep Usall.
Manuel Ramos, President of ADIPREM, emphasizes that “this agreement means formalizing a relationship with IRTA that has always existed through its associated companies, but also this collaboration agreement will strengthen that good relationship between both entities and will allow to work jointly with an organizational vision from the sectoral point of view, very important for the optimization of training actions and future projects to be carried out with IRTA “.