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Sistemas de formación en manzano: más ejes y menos calle

Data d'inici: 01/12/2021 Data de fi: 31/10/2024
Programa responsable: Fruticultura

Entitats finançadores:

Actividad financiada a través de la Operación 01.02.01 de Transferencia Tecnológica del Programa de desarrollo rural de Cataluña 2014-2022.


1. To have contrasting information on the agronomic and economic behavior of new apple formation systems in different localities and varieties, which allow to face the future demands regarding the environmental and economic sustainability (profitability for producers) of the production of apple and the quality of the productions. of adaptation.

2. To transfer to the producing sector the information obtained during the years of evaluation of all the tests carried out at IRTA, in order to be able to make the best choice of the training system with the best guarantees of adaptation.