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TRANSVAC-DS: Estudio de diseño para una infraestructura europea de vacunas

Data d'inici: 01/06/2020 Data de fi: 31/12/2022
Programa responsable: Sanidad animal

Entitats finançadores:

TRANSVAC-DS aims to consolidate the conceptual and technical design and ultimate implementation of a European vaccine R&D infrastructure

Towards a sustainable vaccine infrastructure:

Through the TRANSVAC infrastructure (, state-of-the-art scientific-technical services, technical training, and innovative research and development are currently providing very significant support to European vaccine researchers and developers.

TRANSVAC-DS builds on the outstanding success and lessons learned from TRANSVAC and during the two-year project duration will further explore and prepare the establishment of a stable and truly sustainable European vaccine infrastructure. The main objective and output of TRANSVAC-DS is the preparation of a conceptual design report that will describe in detail the maturity of the vaccine infrastructure concept and be the basis for the establishment of a permanent and sustainable vaccine infrastructure of direct relevance to and benefit for Europe and further afield. As part of the design report, a five-year business plan will be delivered together with an implementation plan that will guide the further establishment of a sustainable European vaccine infrastructure.

25 partners:

General coordinator: EVI (European Vaccine Initiative)

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