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  • Sanidad animal
  • Sanidad animal

Magnani, D.; Ferri, N.; Dalmau, A. ; Messori, S. (2017). Knowledge and opinions of veterinary students in Italy toward animal welfare science and law. Veterinary Record 180 :225-232

  • Bienestar animal
  • Sanidad animal

Liu, L.; Luo, Y.; Accensi, F. ; Ganges, L. ; Rodriguez, F. ; Shan, H.; Ståhl, K.; Qiu, H.J.; Belák, S. (2017). Pre-clini cal evaluation of a real-time PCR assay on a portable instrument as a possible field diagnostic tool: experiences from the testing of clinical samples for African and classical swine fever viruses. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases: (en premsa)

  • Porcino
  • Sanidad animal

Pérez de Val, B. ; Napp, E.; Velarde, R.; Lavín, S.; Cervera, Z. ; Singh, M.; Allepuz, A. ; Mentaberre, G. (2017). Serological follow-up of tuberculosis in a wild boar population in contact with infected cattle. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 64 (1 ):275-283

  • Sanidad animal