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Maria Font

CARGO: Investigadora del programa de Calidad y tecnologías alimentarias PROGRAMA: Calidad y tecnología alimentarias
TELÉFONO / EXTENSIÓN: 972 63 00 52 / 1476

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Información profesional:


Titulada superior / Grado: Licenciada en Psicología. Universidad Abierta de Cataluña

Doctora por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña Dentro del Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado 1999/2000. Título del doctorado: “Utilización de machos enteros para la producción de carne: análisis sensorial y estudios de consumo”.

Titulada superior / Grado: Licenciada en Investigación y Tecnología de Alimentos. Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Titulada superior / Grado: Ingeniera Agrónoma Especialidad Industrias Agrícolas. E.T.S. de Ingeniería Agraria de Lleida. Universidad de Lérida.

Titulaciones medias: Ingeniera Técnica Agrícola, especialidad en Industrias Agrarias y Alimentarias. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.



Actividad investigadora:

(desde 2012)

  • An infrastructure for experimental research for sustainable pig production (PIGWEB). Proyecto H2020-INFRAIA. Proposal number: 101004770. 2021-26
  • Clasificación y evaluación de la calidad global de la panceta de cerdo mediante tecnologías no destructivas y percepción por parte de los consumidores (BellyQTech). Proyecto Retos RTI2018-096993-B-I00. 2019-22
  • Unidad móvil de tomografía computarizada. Proyecto EQC2018-004736-P. Ayudas para la adquisición de equipamiento científico-técnico correspondientes al subprograma estatal de infraestructuras de investigación y equipamiento científico-técnico (Plan Estatal I+D+I 2017-2020).2018-19
  • Valorización de recursos bovinos y silvopastorales del macizo transfronterizo Pireneo Mediterráneo (EFA216/16/ALBERAPASTUR). Projecte INTERREG-POCTEFA. 2018-20
  • Innovaciones aplicadas a la cadena productiva pirenaica de vacuno para valorizar una carne identificable por el consumidor (EFA144/16/DietaPYR2). Projecte INTERREG-POCTEFA. 2018-2020
  • Automatic vertical scanner for determining lean distribution in animal carcasses (gmSCAN) H2020-SMEINST-1-2014, Contract 673724. 2017-18
  • Innovative approaches in pork production with entire males. COST Action IPEMA, CA15215. 2016-20
  • Determinación de los aminoácidos limitantes para el crecimiento de los terneros amamantados y su funcionalidad (AMINOCRET) AGL-2015-68463-C2-1-P. 2016-18
  • Pig Castration for Traditional and Conventional Products: a report on methods and their impacts on animal welfare, meat quality and sustainability of European pork production Systems (CASTRUM). SANCO/214/G3/026. 2016
  • Diversity of local pig breeds and production systems for high quality traditional products and sustainable pork chains (TREASURE) H2020-SFS-07a-2014 (Proposal number SEP-210177442). 2015-18
  • Nuevas estrategias y metodologías nutricionales, reproductivas y de la eficiencia del sistema para la mejora de la sostenibilidad socioeconómica y ambiental de explotaciones de cerdos Ibéricos de elevada calidad. INIA-RTA2013-00063-C03-02. 2014-17
  • A decade of applications for regulated products – Analysis of the applicant’s profile. PROFILEDATA. GP/EFSA/APDESK/2013/01. 2014-15
  • Influencia de la restricción y del aporte de fósforo en la dieta de cerdos hembras sobre el crecimiento tisular evaluado in vivo mediante tomografía computarizada, la resistencia ósea y las propiedades sensoriales de la carne. INIA-RTA2013-00040-00-00. 2014-17
  • Automatic grading system for determining lean-fat distribution in pig carcasses. PIGSCAN. FP7-KBBE.2012.2.3-02. 2012-13
  • Optimising and standardising non-destructive imaging and spectroscopic methods to improve the determination of body composition and meat quality in farm animals – FAIM COST ACTION FA1102. 2011-15
  • Evaluación in vivo del crecimiento alométrico de los tejidos muscular y adiposo de los cerdos según la genética y el sexo mediante tomografía computerizada. INIA-RTA2010-00014-00-00. Investigador principal. 2010-13



Contratos con empresas:

He trabajado en diferentes contratos con empresas de genética, industrias farmacéuticas, productores de porcino y vacuno, mataderos y fabricantes de carne.



Publicaciones destacadas:

PUBLICACIONES REVISADAS POR PARES (de 2012 a diciembre de 2021)


  • Miloradovic, Z., Blazic, M., Barukcic, I., Font i Furnols, M., Smigic, N., Tomasevic, I., Miocinovic, J. 2021 Serbian, Croatian and Spanish consumers’ beliefs towards artisan cheese. British Food Journal (Accepted)
  • Verge-Mèrida, G., Barroeta, A.C., Guardiola, F., Verdú, M., Balart, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Solà-Oriol, D. (2021). Crude and acid oils from olive pomace as alternative fat sources in growing-finishing pigs. Animal 15, 100389
  • Tous, N., Tarrades, J., Francesch, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Ader, P., Torrellardona, D. (2021). Effects of exogenous 6-phytase (EC supplementation on performance, calcium and phosphorous digestibility, and bone mineralisation and density in weaned piglets. Animals 11, 1787.
  • Blanco-Penedo, I., Garcia-Gudiño, J., Angón, E., Perea, J. M., Escribano, A.J., Font-i-Furnols, M. Exploring sustainable food choices factors and purchasing bahavior in the sustainable development goals era in Spain. Sustainability 13, 7397
  • Weiler, U., Font-i-Furnols, M., Tomasevic, I., Bonneau, M. (2021). Alternatives to piglet castration: from issues to solutions.(editorial) Animals 11, 1041
  • Tomasevic, I., Djekic, I., Font-i-Furnols, M., Terjung, N., Lorenzo, J.M. (2021). Recent advances in meat color research. Current Opinion in Food Science 40, 81-87.
  • Garcia-Gudiño, J., Blanco-Penedo, I., Font-i-Furnols, M., Angón, E., Perea, J.M. (2021) Analysis of the sustainability of fattening sytems for Iberian traditional pig production through the technical and environmental approach. Animals 11, 411.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., García-Gudiño, J., Izquierdo, M., Brun, A., Gispert, M., Blanco-Penedo, I., Hernández-García, F. I. (2021) Non-destructive evaluation of carcass and ham traits and meat quality assessment applied to early and late immunocastrated Iberian pigs. Animal 15(4),
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Terré, M., Brun, A., Vidal, M., Bach, A. (2021) Prediction of tissue composition of live dairy calves and carcasses by computed tomography. Livestock Science 243, 104371
  • Realini, C.E., Pavan, E., Johson, P.L., Font-i-Furnols, M., Jacob, N., Agnew, M., Craigie, C.R., Moon, C.D. (2021). Consumer liking of longissimus lumborum from New Zealand pasture-finished lamb is influenced by intramuscular fat. Meat Science 173, 108380
  • García-Gudiño, J., Blanco-Penedo, I., Gispert, M., Brun, A., Perea, J., Font-i-Furnols, M. 2021. Understanding consumers’ perception towards Iberian pig production and animal welfare. Meat Science 172, 108307


  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Martín-Bernal, R., Aluwé, M., Bonneau, M., Haugen, J.-E., Mörlein, D., Mörlein, J., Panella-Riera, N., Škrlep, M. (2020). Feasibility of on/at line methods to determine boar taint and boar taint compounds: an overview. Animals 10, 1882.
  • Škrlep, M., Tomašević, I., Mörlein, D., Novaković, S., Egea, M., Garrido, M.D., Linares, M.B., Peñaranda, I., Aluwé, M., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2020). The use of pork from entire male and immunocastrated pigs for meat products – an overview with recommendations. Animals 10, 1754.
  • Aluwé, M., Heyrman, E., Almeida, J., Babol, J., Battacone, G., Čitek, J., Font-i-Furnols, M., Getya, A., Karolyi, D., Kostyra, E., Kress, K., Kušec, G., Mörlein, D, Semenova, A., Stoyanchev, T., Tomasevic, I., Tudoreanu, L., Von Son, M., Zakowska-Biemans, S., Zamaratskaia, G., Van den Broeke, A., Egea, M. (2020). Exploratory European survey on consumer and stakeholder attitudes towards alternatives for surgical castration of piglets. Animals 10, 1758.
  • Tomasevic, I., Bahelka, I., Čítek, J., Čandek-Potokar, M., Djekić, I., Getya, A., Guerrero, L., Ivanova, S., Kušek, G., Nakov, D., Sołowiej, D., Sotica, M., Szabó, C., Tudoreanu, L., Weiler, U., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2020). Attitudes and beliefs of Eastern European consumers towards animal welfare. Animals, 10, 1220.
  • Valent, D., Arroyo, L., Fàbrega, E., Font-i-Furnols, M., Rodríguez-Palmero, M., Moreno-Muñoz, J.A., Tibau, J., Bassols, A. (2020). Effects of a high-fat-diet supplemented with probiotics and ω3-fatty acids on appetite regulatory neuropeptides and neurotransmitters in a pig model. Beneficial microbes 11, 347-359.
  • Jove, M., Tibau, J., Serrano, J.C.E., Berdún, R., Rodríguez-Palmero, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Cassanyé, M., Rodriguez-Mortera, R., Sol, J., Rassendren, H., Fabrega, E., Crescenti, A., Castell, A., Sabater, M., Ortega, F., Martín-Gari, M., Quintanilla, R., Puigjaner, J., Moreno, J., Prat, J., Arola, L., Fernández-Real, J.M., Pamplona, R., Portero-Otín, M. (2020). Molecular phenomics of a high calorie diet induced porcine model of prepubertal obesity. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 83, 108393.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Luo, X., Brun, A., Lizardo, R., Esteve-Garcia, E., Soler, J., Gispert, M. 2020. Computed tomography evaluation of gilt growth performance and carcass quality under feeding restriction and compensatory growth effects on sensory quality of pork. Livestock Science, 237, 104023.
  • Tomasevic, I., Bahelka, I., Čandek-Potokar, M., Čítek, J., Djekić, I., Djurkin Kušec, I., Getya, A., Guerrero, L., Iordachescu, F., Ivanova, S., Nakov, D., Sołowiej, D., Szabó, C., Tudoreanu, L., Weiler, U., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2020). Attitudes and beliefs of Eastern European consumers towards piglet castration and meat from castrated pigs. Meat Science, 160, 107965


  • Fabà, L., Gasa, J., Tokach, M.D., Font-i-Furnols, M., Vilarrasa, E., Solà-Oriol, D. (2019). Effects of additional organic micro-minerals and methionine on carcass composition, gait score, bone characteristics and osteochondrosis in replacement gilts of different growth rate. Animal Feed Science and Technology 256, 114262
  • Castejón, D., Rotllant, G., Alba-Tercedor, J., Font-i-Furnols, M., Ribes, E., Durfort, M., Guerao, G. (2019). Morphology and ultrastructure of the midgut gland (“hepatopancreas”) during the ontogeny of the Atlantic spider crab Maja brachydactyla Balss, 1922 (Brachyura, Majidae). Arthropod Structure & Development, 49, 137-151.
  • Masferrer, G., Carreras, R., Font-i-Furnols, M., Gispert, M., Serra, M., Marti-Puig, P. (2019). Automatic ham classification method based on support vector machine model increases accuracy and benefits compared to manual classification. Meat Science 155, 1-7.
  • Čandek-Potokar, M., Prevolnik-Povše, M., Škrlep, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Batorek-Lukač, N., Kress, K., Stefanski, V. 2019. Acceptability of dry-cured belly (pancetta) from entire males, immunocastrates or surgical castrates: study with Slovenian consumers. Foods, 8, 122.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Brun, A., Gispert, M. (2019) Intramuscular fat content in different muscles, locations, weights and genotype-sexes and its prediction in live pigs with computed tomography. Animal 13(3), 666-674.



  • Montossi, F., Cazzuli, F., Brito, G., Realini, C., Luzardo, S., Rovira, P., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2018). The challenges of aligning consumer preferences and prodution systems: analysing the case of a small beef meat exporting country. International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, 6, 144-159. (NO ES SCI)
  • Casal, N., Font-i-Furnols, M., Gispert, M., Manteca, X., Fàbrega, E. (2018). Effect of environmental enrichment and herbal compounds-supplemented diet on pig carcass, meat quality traits, and consumers’ acceptability and preference. Animals 8 (7), 118, 1-13.
  • Xiberta, P., Bardera, A., Boada, I., Gispert, M., Brun, A., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2018) Evaluation of an automatic lean meat percentage quantification method based on a partial volume model from computed tomography scans. Computers and electronics in agriculture, 151, 365-375.
  • Masferrer, G., Carreras, R., Font-i-Furnols, M., Gispert, M., Marti-Puig, P., Serra, M. (2018). On-line ham grading using pattern recognition models based on available data in commercial pig slaughterhouses. Meat Science 143, 39-45.
  • Aluwé, M., Aaslyng. M., Backus, G., Bonneau, M., Chevillon, P., Haugen, J.-E., Meier-Dinkel, L., Moerlein, D., Oliver, M.A., Snoek, H.M., Tuyttens, F., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2018). Consumer acceptance of boar meat patties in four European countries. Meat Science 137, 235-243.
  • Bonneau, M., Čandek-Potokar, M., Škrlep, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Aluwé, M., The Castrum Network, Fontanesi, L. (2018). Potential sensitivity of pork production situations aiming at high quality products to the use of entire male pigs as an alternative to surgical castrates. Animal 12, 1287-1295.


  • Lebret, B., Pugliese, C., Bozzi, R., Font-i-Furnols, M., Prevolnik-Povše, M., Tomažin, U., Čandek-Potokar, M. (2017). Molecular biomarkers, near infra-red spectroscopy and computed tomography as new methodologies applied in TREASURE project to predict the quality of pork and pork products from local pig breeds. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 82(2), 133-136.( NO INDEXADA)
  • Xiberta, P., Boada, I., Bardera, A., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2017). A semi-automatic and an automati segmentation algorithm to remove the internal organs from live pig CT images. Computers and electronics in agriculture, 140, 290-302.
  • Carabús, A., Sainz, R.D., Oltjen, J.W., Gispert, M., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2017). Growth of total fat and lean and of primal cuts is affected by the sex type. Animal 11, 1321-1329.
  • Lucas, D., Brun, A., Gispert, M., Carabús, A., Soler, J., Tibau, J., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2017) Relationship between pig carcass characteristics measured in live pigs or carcasses with Piglog, Fat-o-Meat’er and computed tomography. Livestock Science 197, 88-95.


  • Tous, N., Lizardo, R., Vilà, B., Gispert, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Esteve-Garcia, E. (2016). Effect of the addition of arginine and leucine in diets with different levels of crude protein on performance and carcass quality traits of finishing pigs. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition- Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 14(4), Open acces.
  • Carabús, A., Gispert, M., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2016). Image analysis techniques to study the composition of live pigs: a review. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 14 (3), 1-16. Open access.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Aaslyng, M.D., Backus, G.B.C., Han, J., Kuznetsova, T.G., Panella-Riera, N., Semenova, A.A., Zhang, Y., Oliver, M.A. Russian and Chinese consumers’ acceptability of boar meat patties depending on their sensitivity to androstenone and skatole. Meat Science 121, 96-103.
  • Carabús, A., Gispert, M., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2016). Keys to select a prediction model for carcass composition from computed tomography images. Journal of Tomography & Simulation, 1 (March 2016), Paper 104. Open access.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Carabús, A., Muñoz, I., Čandek-Potokar, M., Gispert, M. Evolution of testes characteristics in entire and immunocastrated male pigs from 30 to 120 kg live weight as assessed by computed tomography with perspective on boar taint. Meat Science 116, 8-15.
  • Panella-Riera, N., Blanch, M., Kallas, Z., Chevillon, P., Garavaldi, A., Gil, M., Gil, J.M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Oliver, M.A. Consumers’ segmentation based on the acceptability of meat from entire male pigs with different boar taint levels in four European countries: France, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom. Meat Science, 114, 137-145.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Čandek-Potokar, M., Daumas, G., Gispert, M., Judas, M., Seynaeve, M. (2016). Comparison of national ZP equations for lean meat percentage assessment in SEUROP pig classification. Meat Science 113, 1-8.
  • Zomeño C, Gispert M, Brun A, Carabús A., Font-i-Furnols M. (2016). Predicting the carcass chemical composition and describing its growth in live pigs of different sexes using computed tomographys. Animal, 10(1), 172-181.


  • Carabús, A., Sainz, R.D., Oltjen, J.W., Gispert, M., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2015). Predicting fat, lean and the weights of primal cuts for growing pigs of different genotypes and sexes using computed tomography. Journal of Animal Science, 93, 1388-1397.
  • Čandek-Potokar, M., Prevolnik, M., Škrlep, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Novič, M. (2015). An attempt to predict conformation and fatness in bulls by means of artificial neural networks using weight, age and breed composition information. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 14, 45-52.
  • Li, H., Gariépy, C., Jin, Y., Font i Furnols, M., Fortin, J., Rocha, L.M., Faucitano, L. (2015). Effects of ractopamine administration and castration method on muscle fibre characteristics and sensory quality of the longissimus muscle in two Piétrain pig genotypes. Meat Science, 102, 27-34.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Carabús, A., Pomar, C., Gispert, M. (2015). Estimation of carcass and cuts composition from computed tomography images of growing live pigs of different genotypes. Animal, 9, 166-178.


  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Brun, A., Martí, S., Realini, C.E., Pérez-Juan, M., Gonzalez, J., Devant, M. (2014). Estimation of composition and intramuscular fat or rib sections from Holstein bulls and steers using one or various computed tomography cross-sectional images. Livestock Science, 170, 210-218.
  • Carabús, A., Gispert, M., Brun, A., Rodriguez, P., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2014). In vivo pigs evaluation of carcass and cuts composition growth of three commercial crossbreeds using Computed Tomography. Livestock Science, 170, 181-192.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Guerrero, L. (2014). Consumer preference, behaviour and perception about meat and meat products: an overview. Meat Science, 98, 361-371.
  • Tous, N., Lizardo, R., Theil, P.K., Vilà, B., Gispert, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Esteve-Garcia, E. (2014) Effect of vitamin A depletion on fat deposition in finishing pigs, intramuscular fat content and gene expression in the longissimus muscle. Livestock Science, 167, 392-399.
  • Tous, N., Lizardo, R., Vilà, B., Gispert, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Esteve-Garcia, E. (2014). Effect of reducing dietary proteine and lysine growth performance, carcass characteristics, intramuscular fat, and fatty acid profile in finishing barrows. Journal of Animal Science, 92, 129-140.
  • Prevolnik, M., Andronikov, D., Žlender, B., Font-i-Furnols, M., Novič, M., Škorjanc, D., Čandek-Potokar, M. (2014). Classification of Dry-Cured Ham according to the Maturation Time Based on Near Infrared Spectra. Meat Science, 96, 14-20.


  • Kallas, Z., Gil, J.M., Panella-Riera, N., Blanch, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Chevillon, P., De roest, K., Tacken, G., Oliver, M.A. (2013). Effect of tasting information on consumer opinion about pig castration. Meat Science, 95, 242-249.
  • Montossi, F., Font-i-Furnols, M., del Campo, M., San Julián, R., Brito, G., Sañudo, C. (2013). Sustainable sheep production and consumer preferences trends: compatibilities, contradictions, and unresolved dilemmas. Meat Science, 95, 772-789.
  • Realini, C.E., Font i Furnols, M., Sañudo, C., Montossi, F., Oliver, M.A., Guerrero, L. (2013). Spanish, French and British consumers’ acceptability of Uruguayan beef, and consumers’ beef choice associated with country of origin, finishing diet and meat price. Meat Science, 95, 14-21.
  • Tous, N., Lizardo, R., Vilà, B., Gispert, M., Font-i-Furnols, M., Esteve-Garcia, E. (2013) Effect of high dose of CLA in finishing pigs on fat deposition and FA composition in intramuscular fat and other fat depots. Meat Science 93, 517-524.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Brun, A., Tous, N., Gispert, M. (2013). Use of linear regression and partial least square regression to predict intramuscular fat of pig loin computed tomography images. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 122, 58-64.
  • Marcos, B., Gou, P., Serra, X., Guàrdia, M.D., Zhen, Z.Y., Hortós, M., Mach, N., te Pas, M.F.W., Keuning, E., Kruijt, L., Font i Furnols, M., Arnau, J. (2013). Analysis of raw hams using SELDI-TOF-MS to predict the final quality of dry-cured hams. Meat Science, 93, 233-239.


  • San Julián, R., Campo, M.M., Nute, G., Montossi, F., Font i Furnols, M., Guerrero, L., Oliver, M.A., Sañudo, C. (2012). Short communication. Sensory evaluation of commercial beef produced in Uruguay and three European countries. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10, 712-716.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M. (2012). Consumer studies on sensory acceptability of boar taint. Meat Science, 92, 319-329.
  • Gisbert, E., Darias, M.J., Font-i-Furnols, M. (2012). Advantages and limitations of X-ray and computed tomography systems for the study of the skeleton in meagre (Argyrosomus regius). Journal of Applied Icthyology, 28, 441-445.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Tous, N., Esteve-Garcia, E., Gispert, M. (2012). Do all the consumers accept the marbling in the same way? The relation beetween visual and sensory acceptability of pork. Meat Science, 91, 448-453.
  • Font-i-Furnols, M., Gispert, M., Soler, J., Diaz, M., Garcia-Regueiro, J.A., Diaz, I., Pearce, M.C. (2012) Effect of vaccination against gonadotrophin-releasing factor on growth performance, carcass, meat and fat quality of male Duroc pigs for dry cured ham production. Meat Science, 91, 148-154.
  • Blanch, M., Panella-Riera, N., Chevillon, P., Font i Furnols, M., Gil, M., Gil, J.M., Kallas, Z., Oliver, M.A. (2012). Impact on consumer’s sensitivity to androstenone on acceptability of meat grom entire male pigs in three European countries: France, Spain and United Kingdom. Meat Science, 90, 572-578.


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