This offer deals with epidemiological studies (both descriptive and analytical), modeling and risk assessment, as well as scientific advice in the design, implementation and evaluation of surveillance and control programs for several diseases.
- Epidemiological studies: design of the study, statistical analyses and epidemiological interpretation.
- Determination of disease transmission between and within farms: investigation of the spatial pattern of animal diseases, modeling disease spread within and between farms and evaluation of control measures, outbreak investigations, determination of the most probable causes of disease introduction into a farm.
- Risk analysis of disease introduction in an animal population according to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) recommendations.
- Design, implementation and evaluation of surveillance and control programs: design of a surveillance network, design of a control program and analysis of the sensitivity of surveillance systems using scenario‐tree models.
Examples of previous achievements
- Courses in veterinary epidemiology at national and International level for international organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) or the European Commission.
- Development of an application for the management of surveillance and control in case of an epidemic of African Swine Fever, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture of Catalonia.
- Epidemiological studies:
- Evaluation of the economic impact and risk factors of Streptococcus suis within PIGSs (H2020) project.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the surveillance system for tuberculosis in cattle in Spain within Epi-Tuber (MICINN) and Epi-Risk (Era-Net ANIHWA) projects.
- Development of generic approaches for Risk Assessment of infectious animal disease introduction within G-RAID (EFSA – Partnering Grant) project.