Main olive oil cultivar from Greece.
Outstanding characteristics
Vigor: Medium
Growth habit: Open
Canopy density: Compact
Precocity bearing: Early
Productivity: High
Fructification: In clusters
Maturation: Medium-Late
Fruit (Catalan orchard under irrigation hedgerow system)
Size (g): 0,90 ± 0,14
Flesh/stone ratio: 3,44 ± 0,84
Oil content(% wd): 22,9 ± 0,8
Oil content(% db): 52,4 ± 3,4
Virgin Oil
Fatty Acids(%)
palmitic C16:0 11,4
stearic C18:0 2,51
oleic C18:1 76,6
linoleic C18:2 6,89
linolenic C18:3 0,93
mono/polyunsaturated ratio10,0
Total Polyphenol (ppm cafeic acid): 400
Bitterness (K225): 0,45
Stability (hours at 120ºC): 15,23
Sensorial Profile
Intense green fruited extra virgin oil, very rich in secondary aromas, with olive leaves and mixed vegetables flavors, like artichokes. The bouquet presents mainly the dominating sensations of spicy, bitterness and astringency, although there persists a clear note of sweetness which contributes to the maintenance of a pleasant sensorial balance.
Global evaluation
Early bearing productive cultivar. It is quite drought-resistant but frost-sensitive. Tolerant to “Olive Leaf Spot” (Spilocaea oleagina). It has a very small fruit which ripens between “Arbequina” and “Arbosana”. “Koroneiki i-38” produces commercially appreciated extra virgin oils, with characteristic intense green color, rich in oleic acid, polyphenols and bitter components that contribute to its long self-life.