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Collaborating Centers in emergent and reemergent porcine diseases in Europe

The OIE maintains a network of OIE Collaborating Centres for the purposes of providing scientific expertise and support to the OIE and its Members, and for promoting international collaboration on animal health and welfare. Collaborating Centres are designated for a specific specialty within a focus area relating to the management of general questions on animal health issues. In its designated specialty, they must provide their expertise internationally 

  • To provide services to the OIE, in particular within the region, in the designated specialty, in support of the implementation of OIE policies and, where required, seek for collaboration with OIE Reference Laboratories; 
  • To propose or develop methods and procedures that facilitate harmonisation of international standards and guidelines applicable to the designated specialty; 
  • To carry out and/or coordinate scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other centres, laboratories or organisations. 
  • To collect, process, analyse, publish and disseminate data and information relevant to the designated specialty; 
  • To provide, within the designated specialty, scientific and technical training to personnel from OIE Member Countries; 
  • To organise and participate in scientific meetings and other activities on behalf of the OIE; 
  • To identify and maintain existing expertise, in particular within its region; 
  • To establish and maintain a network with other OIE Collaborating Centres designated for the same specialty, and should the need arise, with Collaborating Centres in other disciplines; 
  • To place expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE. 


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