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Biosystems engineering & agronomy

The aim of this service are the horticultural crops in order to improve technically and environmentally these productive systems. For that reason, IRTA is using technical improvements (ventilation of protective structures, horticultural substrates, soil and soilless systems, carbon fertilization, etc.) and the evaluation and improvement of the environmental impact caused by horticultural systems (life cycle assessment, optimizing the use of water and fertilizers, assessment and use of organic products, leachates use and treatment, carbon footprint, water footprint, etc.).


Improvement of Sustainability of horticultural systems.

  • Automated management of fertigation. Treatment and/or reuse of effluent in open and closed systems.
  • Ecological soil and soilless Production.
  • Optimum fertiliser application in open air/greenhouse crops, re-use of waste water for irrigation, organic crops.

Greenhouse technology and climate control.

  • Natural ventilation: system design supported by numerical simulation models.
  • Evaporative cooling.
  • Control of excessive humidity.
  • CO2 application.
  • Semi-closed greenhouses with condensate collection.
  • Evaluation of greenhouse covering materials.

Urban horticulture: roof top greenhouses.

  • Horticultural Substrates and Use of Materials as Substrates or Organic-Mineral Additives.

Characterization of substrates, diagnosis and agronomic assessment for horticultural use. Composting.

  • Characterization and agronomic assessment of by-products and derived composts as horticultural substrates.

Life Cycle Assessment (ACV).

  • Environmental assessment of agricultural sector.
  • Carbon footprint and water footprint.


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