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XERIGOT, from waste to food supplement.

Data d'inici: 01/06/2020 Data de fi: 30/09/2022
Programa responsable: Food Quality and Technology

Entitats finançadores:

Project funded through Operation 16.01.01 Cooperation for Innovation of the Rural Development Programme of Catalonia 2014-2020.

The objective is to delete the whey produced in the Montbrú Cheese Factory. Eliminate the residue and create the possibility of making a profit. Reduce the impact of its destruction and generate 0 waste.

The aim is to characterize the waste, study the composition and create new derived beverages:

– Development of a whey-based dairy product

– Development of whey kefir

It is expected to achieve:

– Valorize whey, a cheese byproduct, by elaborating products for human consumption with high added value

– Business diversification in small cheese establishments without the need for a large investment

– Add value to livestock productions and cheese establishments

– Decreased environmental impact in cheese establishments

– Obtain transferable results to the artisan dairy sector 
