VITIMPACT: Contribution to environmental assessment of viticulture: quantification and adjustments emission factors to Mediterranean conditions.
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Fruit Production
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Agriculture produces an important contribution to environmental impacts mainly those related to climate change, land use, water use or toxicity, which are linked to the different agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides or agronomic labors. Most of the environmental assessment methodologies (IPCC, EEA, USEtox) provide defaults values to count for emissions at TIER 1, advising a better approximation through the development of regional and technology specific ones (TIER 2 and 3). For the specific case of Mediterranean vineyard there are not yet these specific factors using a global default factors. Such generalization means that emissions calculation can be misleading due to drought conditions and higher temperatures affecting the availability of nutrients. Proper adjustment of these factors would allow a more accurate environmental quantification, especially important in a crop like the vineyard that occupies a 4% of the agricultural area in Spain and 2% in Europe.
The main goal of our project is determining and adjusting factors in the analysis of the environmental impact of vineyard for different growing scenarios. These scenarios include climate variability (low rainfall, high temperatures, and water deficit), soil texture variability and different agronomic practices (fertilization, irrigation, pesticide treatments among others). We will conduct different experiments in order to track the behavior of pesticides, particularly copper; emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and others, particularly nitrous oxide (N2O), ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon balance.