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PIGWEB: Infrastructure for experimental research on pigs for sustainable meat production.

Data d'inici: 01/03/2021 Data de fi: 28/02/2026
Programa responsable: Animal Nutrition

Entitats finançadores:

The aim of this project is to provide and facilitate access to pig
experimental research facilities in Europe for research on sustainable pig
production (from “from farm to fork” or “from farm to pork” including
studies on feed technology, animal nutrition, animal health and welfare,
livestock production systems, and environment impact of these systems.
Through joint research activities, the project aims to improve the
integrated services provided by the infrastructures of the network, and to
pursue and reinforce the culture of cooperation between research
infrastructures, academic research institutes, and industries. Further
emphasis is put to establish a framework that ensures the long-term
sustainability of the network and to develop novel means and know-how
to optimise the participating facilities in collaboration with industrial
partners (SMEs).