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PECT Motors: OPERATION 2. Technological development in the use of irrigation water

Data d'inici: 02/01/2017 Data de fi: 30/06/2023
Programa responsable: Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture

Entitats finançadores:

The objectives of this project are:

  1. To establish reference parcels, demonstrative and experimental platforms of irrigation vineyard, pistachio, apple and olive trees around the Segarra-Garrigues
  2. To adapt and adjust irrigation strategies to improve production efficiency and quality of crops
  3. To facilitate and encourage the entry of producers to the culture of irrigation and to the new areas of irrigation of Segarra-Garrigues channel
  4. To create a technical debate between technicians, producers, processors and scientists to help the advancement of the knowledge and to learn how to implement and manage irrigation water in these crops.