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IMMUNO-FEED: Assessment of the imunomodulatory effects induced by probiotic strains (as an alternative to antibiotics) on the regulatory mechanisms of inflammation and tolerance in birds.

Data d'inici: 01/01/2019 Data de fi: 31/12/2021
Programa responsable: Animal Nutrition

Entitats finançadores:

This project will investigate the possible role of TLR21 in the intestinal
tolerance and characterize the probiotic effects of several bacterial strains
individually, which together are effective in controlling the colonization of
the intestine of birds with enteropathogens. Tools for the characterization
of probiotic will be developed by studying the ability of these strains to
induce immunomodulatory and antimicrobial effects on the host that
prevent the infection and persistence of Salmonella (as an infection
model) and exert a favorable probiotic action on intestinal health and