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FANGAR: Circulation model in the Fangar Bay for the management of Aquaculture & Shellfish: Phase 1

Data d'inici: 01/04/2017 Data de fi: 30/09/2017
Programa responsable: Aquaculture

Entitats finançadores:

The general objective of the project is to develop ECs to be applied within an integrated strategy in order to improve the overall quality of persimmon and apple (physico-chemical quality: sugars, acids, firmness, colour, sensory and aromatic quality, absence of physiological and pathological disorders).
For this purpose, specific objectives of the project are to:
  1. Develop and optimize ECs with bioactive ingredients to control the major physiological and pathological problems of apple and persimmon,
  2. Search for alternatives to control the main apple and persimmon postharvest diseases and use them as ingredients of the ECs: GRAS substances, EOs and BCAs,
  3. Develop new strategies to improve apple colour and firmness,
  4. Study the effect of selected ECs and protocols on the quality attributes defined as secondary (sensory, volatile profile, physiological disorders and induction of fruit resistance to postharvest pathogens) and
  5. Validate the final strategies for both apples and persimmons at a semi-commercial scale.
