LIFE ECO FOOD CHOICE: Food Ecolabelling and Environmental Data
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Programa responsable:
Sustainability in Biosystems
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Eco Food Choice project aims to make improvements and promote developments for the ecological transition, by guiding consumer in wiser choices for their food. It takes French experience as starting point while challenging it. The project has the following goals:
- To create conditions in Europe for the development of a harmonised environmental labelling on food products.
- Provide Europe with an operational and collectively supported environmental labelling system by 2028.
- To enable the shift of European food consumption habits towards a more sustainable and healthier diet.
IRTA – Sustainability in biosystems Group leads work packaging two (WP2) that aims to develop a new datasets and harmonised life cycle inventory methodology. The main objectives are:
- Harmonise methodology for life cycle inventory (LCI) modelling (e.g. system boundaries, FU, allocation, emission models, recycling/circularity, primary data, …) and some aspects of life cycle impact assessment (e.g. impact categories, methods).
- To create guidelines on data collection and data quality to build compatible national LCI datasets and databases for food product ecolabeling.
- To develop guidelines on how to nationally or locally adapt life cycle data from other countries or regions.
- To provide general LCI guidelines for emerging issues to be included (e.g., microplastics, ecosystem services, biodiversity), which are currently unaddressed in LCA.