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Computed tomography as a tool to improve efficiency in pig production

Data d'inici: 01/12/2021 Data de fi: 17/06/2024
Programa responsable: Food Quality and Technology

Entitats finançadores:




Activity funded through operation 01.02.01 Technology Transfer of the Rural Development Programme of Catalonia 2014-2022.



Computed tomography (CT) is a non-invasive technology based on X-ray widely used in human medicine and with a great potential for use in livestock farming, whether at farm, slaughterhouse or processing industry level. The aim of this activity is to demonstrate the potential and promote the use of CT among companies related to pig production, making known the opportunities offered by this technology for the productive improvement of the sector, acting on different parameters at farm, slaughterhouse and rendering room level. For this reason, initially an exploration of the sector will be carried out and the specific needs of companies related to pig production will be identified. Then, two face-to-face sessions will be held in which the technology and its applications will be presented and the technology applied to the evaluation of live animals and carcasses will be shown. Finally, an informative video of the technology and its potential applied to pig production will be made.



The main objective of this demonstration activity is to show the potential and promote the use of CT among companies related to pig production, making known the opportunities offered by this technology for the productive improvement of the sector, acting on different parameters at farm, slaughterhouse and rendering room level.

The specific objectives are the following:

To allow participating companies to scan some of their animals and/or carcasses at IRTA’s facilities.
Participation of the companies in the process of scanning live animals and pig carcasses and in obtaining information on their tissue composition.
Transferring existing knowledge on the use of CT in animal production to companies.
To show companies the potential of CT images as a tool for improving production processes.


Description of the actions

Exploration of the sector and identification of the specific needs of the companies creation of thematic communities.
Selection of companies interested in demonstration activities.
Preparation of the demonstration sessions by elaborating the protocols and procedures carried out in the sessions.
Preparation of the execution of the sessions by fattening a group of animals at IRTA’s facilities in Monells and monitoring the fattening with TC
Execution of the demonstration sessions, opening up to the participants the process of scanning live animals on the farm and carcasses at the slaughterhouse.


Sectoral and/or territorial impact


An impact is foreseen from different points of view affecting the different actors of the pig production system.

– Genetic progress improvement programmes → genetic companies.
– Selection of the best genetics according to the desired product → producers.
– Effect of nutrition and feeding strategy on body composition and carcass, parts and bone quality → nutrition companies, producers, nutritionists, slaughterhouses, cutting plant.
Production parameters:
– Effect of sex on composition → pharmaceutical industry, producers.
– Improvement of the production system (sex, management, etc.) to optimise the product → producers
– Calibration of carcass sorting equipment → technological industries, slaughterhouses, cutting plants.
– Optimisation of food processing → food industries