CERCAGINYS 3 - High Biocontainment Unit (Protocol for the planning, development and access to scientific and technological facilities of the CERCA centres)
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Entitats finançadores:
Funded by CERCA with the support of the SPanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
The area of application of the CERCA-GINYS Common Action Protocol is, in the first instance, the centre and its set of scientific-technological platforms and structures, and also, subsidiarily, the rest of the structures linked to its operation and application of the CERCA centres. The platforms of the CERCA centres should have established connections with the Innovation/Transfer/Commercialisation Units both for aspects derived from the management of Intellectual/Industrial Property (contracts, agreements, collaborations with Spinoffs) and the management of external clients (companies, other institutions, etc.). Also with the units or persons in charge of Data Management, Project Management, Quality Management, Impact, etc.
This common protocol will also be used in the event that funding is made available by the platforms, as an argument for its allocation either directly or competitively.