AgriRegenCat: Regenerative agriculture in Catalonia

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Funded by the DACC, Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Government of Catalonia.
Is it possible to develop an emission-free agriculture that protects the soil and biodiversity and is highly productive?
The Regenerative Agriculture in Catalonia project, led by IRTA and supported by CREAF, joins forces to promote the transformation of Catalan agri-food activity in order to achieve a sustainable transition towards an agriculture that respects natural resources such as soil and biodiversity, maintains productivity and favours carbon capture.
With funding of €2,000,000 from the Climate Fund, the project will work for three and a half years to develop innovative and useful agricultural practices for the primary sector that demonstrate the agronomic and economic viability of regenerative agriculture.
Dr. Georgina Alins (IRTA), coordinator of the Regenerative Agriculture project in Catalonia, will work together with Dr. Maite Martínez (IRTA), coordinator of the Carbon Farming project in Catalonia, to achieve the goal set in both projects: to promote the transition towards sustainable agriculture.