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  • Horticulture
  • Sweet fruit

Lafarga, T., Acién-Fernández, F., Castellari, M., Villaró, S., Bobo, G., & Aguiló-Aguayo, I. (2019). Effect of microalgae incorporation on the physicochemical, nutritional, and sensorial properties of an innovative broccoli soup. LWT, 111, 167-174. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2019.05.037

  • Consumers and food
  • Horticulture
  • Postharvest

Llorach, P.; Peña, J.; Rieradevall, J.; Montero, J.I. (2016). LCA & LCCA of a PCM application to control root zone temperatures of hydroponic crops in comparison with conventional root zone heating systems. Renewable Energy 85 :1079-1089

  • Horticulture

Escolà, A.; Martínez-Casanovas, J.A.; Rufat, J. ; Arnó, J.; Arbonés, A. ; Sebé, F.; Pascual, M.; Gregorio, E.; Rosell-Polo, J.R. (2017). Mobile terrestrial laser scanner applications in precision fruticulture/horticulture and tools to extract information from canopy point clouds. Precision Agriculture 18 :111-132

  • Efficient use of water
  • Horticulture
  • Irrigation and Fertilization
  • Nuts and olive growing
  • Sweet fruit

Foresi, L.; Schmutz, U.; Antón, A. ; Vieweger, A.; Bavec, M.; Meier, M.; Shahid, M.; Peña, N.; Petrasek, R.; Stajnko, D.; Vukmanic, T.; Landert, J.; WeiBhaidinger, R. (2016). Sustainability assessment tools for organic greenhouse horticulture. Brussels (Belgium): COST. (BioGreenhouse COST Action FA 1105. Towards a Sustainable and Productive EU Organic Greenhouse Horticulture)

  • Horticulture
  • Organic production

Llorach, P.; Lopez-Capel, E.; Peña, J.; Rieradevall, J.; Montero, J.I. ; Puy, N. (2017). Technical feasibility and carbon footprint of biochar co-production with tomato plant residue. Waste Management (en premsa)

  • Horticulture