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  • Efficient use of water
  • Efficient use of water
  • Wine and vineyard

Domínguez-Niño, J., Bogena, H., Huisman, J., Schilling, B., & Casadesús, J. (2019). On the Accuracy of Factory-Calibrated Low-Cost Soil Water Content Sensors. Sensors, 19(14), 3101. doi:10.3390/s19143101

  • Efficient use of water
  • Irrigation and Fertilization

Prats-Llinàs, M., Bellvert, J., Mata, M., Marsal, J., & Girona, J. (2019). Post-Harvest Regulated Deficit Irrigation in Chardonnay Did Not Reduce Yield but at Long-Term, It Could Affect Berry Composition. Agronomy, 9(6), 328. doi:10.3390/agronomy9060328

  • Efficient use of water
  • Irrigation and Fertilization
  • Postharvest

Pérez, A.; De Lorenzo, C.; Benito, A.; Olivero-David, R.; Rufat, J. ; Arbonés, A. ; Paz, S.; Bonet, L.; Hermoso, J.F. ; Santos, A.; Sastre, B. (2017). Influencia del riego deficitario en olivar superintensivo cv Arbequina sobre el perfil fenólico y de ácidos grasos del aceite de oliva virgen. A: XVIII Simposium Científico-Técnico EXPOLIVA. Jaén, 10 – 12 Mayo, 2017 (Comunicació)

  • Efficient use of water
  • Irrigation and Fertilization

Girona, J. ; Marsal, J. (2017). Requeriments hídrics del presseguer sota xarxes anticalamarsa a Catalunya. Dossier Tècnic 88 :18-19

  • Efficient use of water
  • Irrigation and Fertilization
  • Sweet fruit