IRTA Attract, Mobility and Consolidate; the new names for the Research Incentives

The Institute promotes the development of research staff through various grants to promote scientific excellence
From 2021 onwards, IRTA’s Scientific Management promotes the professional development of the Institute’s research staff at different stages of their professional career through the creation of the Research Incentives as a way to promote scientific excellence. These Incentives, which represent an important investment of resources, include in the period 2021-2024 actions such as:
Grants for the incorporation of research personnel in training (R1) for (i) research personnel recently incorporated to IRTA (Ramon y Cajal and structural position) with the objective of giving impulse to the initiation of the development of their line of research, (ii) the promotion of the Strategic Scientific Initiatives, (iii) to develop the projects financed for the AEI without linkage to FPI grants and (iv) those people who were left on the reserve list in the AGAUR’s Joan Oró call for proposals.
Grants for the continuation of the research activity of the Program Caps and researchers associated to Management. The grant consists of funding for the hiring of postdoctoral personnel (R2) in their line of research. In this way, the aim is to promote their research in parallel to the management and planning activities linked to the proper functioning of IRTA.
Grants for mobility to other research institutions outside Catalonia, which aim to promote the mobility, and therefore the opportunities for collaboration, of research personnel (R3, R4) and research trainees (R1), while complementing other existing grants for these stays (MICIN, OECD, etc.), which are of longer duration.
Grants for the organization of seminars in order to promote internal training activities, interaction with leading researchers and researchers at national and international level on topics related to IRTA and enhance the presence of IRTA in our immediate environment. The aim is to provide funding to cover the stay of the person who teaches the seminar.
In order to give uniformity and visibility to these actions, from now on the incentives for the hiring of predoctoral (R1) and postdoctoral (R2) research staff are renamed “IRTA Attraction – Youth Talent Attraction Program at IRTA”, the mobility grant, “IRTA Mobility – IRTA Research Staff Mobility Program”.
At the same time, the modality of hiring young research staff “Tenure track” is renamed “IRTA Consolida – Research staff consolidation program”.