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Sustainability in Biosystems


The aim of this programme is to develop new knowledge and technologies in the field of sustainable management of organic waste produced by the agri-food sector and within the principles of a bio-based circular economy. A strong research focus is given to (1) the treatment and valorisation of organic wastes and by-products through anaerobic digestion and composting; (2) the minimisation of pollution by soil and aquifer bioremediation, and (3) the measurement and minimisation of gaseous emissions.


· Head: Ralph Rosenbaum
· Researchers: 8
· Support staff: 12
· Work centres: IRTA Torre Marimon


Relevant scientific publications:


Montemayor, E., Bonmatí, A., Torrellas, M., Camps, F., Ortiz, C., & Domingo, F. et al. (2019). Environmental accounting of closed-loop maize production scenarios: Manure as fertilizer and inclusion of catch crops. Resources, Conservation And Recycling, 146, 395-404. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.03.013

Ruiz-Sánchez, J., Guivernau, M., Fernández, B., Vila, J., Viñas, M., Riau, V., & Prenafeta-Boldú, F. (2019). Functional biodiversity and plasticity of methanogenic biomass from a full-scale mesophilic anaerobic digester treating nitrogen-rich agricultural wastes. Science Of The Total Environment, 649, 760-769. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.165

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