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Animal Welfare program


This programme’s mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of livestock production. Its research focuses on four topics: welfare at slaughter, evaluation of welfare from the farm to the slaughterhouse, strategies for improving the welfare of farm animals and sustainability in livestock production.


· Head: Antoni Velarde
· Research staff: 4
· Post-doctoral staff: 2
· Doctoral students: 1
· Support staff: 5


Relevant scientific publications:


Contreras-Jodar, A.; Varvaró-Porter, A.; Michel, V.; Velarde, A. Inter-Observer Repeatability of Indicators of Consciousness after Waterbath Stunning in Broiler Chickens. Animals 2022, 12, 1800.

Dalmau A, Sánchez-Matamoros A, Molina JM, Xercavins A, Varvaró-Porter A, Muñoz I, Moles X, Baulida B, Fàbrega E, Velarde A, Pallisera J, Puigredon A and Contreras-Jodar A (2021). Intramuscular vs. Intradermic Needle-Free Vaccination in Piglets: Relevance for Animal Welfare Based on an Aversion Learning Test and Vocalizations. Front. Vet. Sci. 8:715260. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.715260

Dalmau, X. Moles, J. Pallisera. 2020. Animal Welfare assessment protocol for does, bucks and kit rabbits reared for production. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7: 445.

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