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IRTA centers

IRTA la Ràpita


Crta: Poble Nou, Km 5,5
43540 La Ràpita

Tel: 977 74 54 27
Fax: 977 74 41 38

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  • Vivarium for the farming of aquatic organisms: 1.200 sq. m.
  • Outdoors farming zone for aquatic organisms and nutrition tests: 2.500 sq. m.
  • Labs (713 sq. m.), Offices (1.065 sq. m.), Warehouse (740 sq. m.), 2 houses (165 sq. m.).
  • Boats, outdoor farming structures and data collection sounding lines.

The building of the IRTA center at la Ràpita has been fianced by MICINN and 50% co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER).