Martinez, M. ; Curcó, A.; Ibáñez, C. (2017). Effects of agri-environmental and organic rice farming on yield and macrophyte community in Mediterranean paddy fields. Paddy and Water Environment 15 (3 ):457-468
- Agrosistemes
- Cultius extensius
- Ecosistemes aquàtics
Galán-Martín, A.; Vaskan, P.; Antón, A. ; Jiménez Esteller, L.; Guillén-Gosálbez, G. (2017). Multi-objective optimization of rainfed and irrigated agricultural areas considering production and environmental criteria: a case study of wheat production in Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production 140 (Part 2 ):816-830
- Agrosistemes
- Cultius extensius
- Producció ecològica
Vidal Legaz, B.; De Souza, M.; Teixeira, R.F.M.; Antón, A. ; Putman, B.; Sala, S. (2017). Soil quality, properties, and functions in life cycle assessment: an evaluation of models. Journal of Cleaner Production 140 (Part 2 ):502-515
- Agrosistemes
Notarnicola, B.; Sala, S.; Antón, A. ; McLaren, S.J.; Saouter, E.; Sonesson, U. (2017). The role of life cycle assessment in supporting sustainable agri-food systems: a review of the challenges. Journal of Cleaner Production 140 (Part 2 ):399-409
- Agrosistemes
- Producció ecològica