Pizarro-Loaiza, Carlos Alexander, Patricia Torres-Lozada, Josep Illa, Jordi Palatsi, and August Bonmatí. 2020. “Effect Of Harvesting Age And Size Reduction In The Performance Of Anaerobic Digestion Of Pennisetum Grass”. Processes 8 (11): 1414.
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Ruiz , J. ; Campanaro, S.; Guivernau, M. ; Ernández, B.; Prenafeta-Boldú, F.X. (2018). Effect of ammonia on the active microbiome and metagenome and from stable full-scale digesters. Bioresource Technology 250 :513-522
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Sala, S.; Antón, A. ; McLaren, S.J.; Notarnicola, B.; Saouter, E.; Sonesson, U. (2017). In quest of reducing the environmental impacts of food production and consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production 140 (Part 2 ):387-398
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