
L’IRTA treballa en porcí a través dels programes de Genètica i Millora AnimalNutrició Animal, Benestar Animal i Sanitat Animal.

Els centres IRTA on s’hi treballa són l’IRTA Monells, Torre Marimon, la Granja Experimental d’Alcarràs i l’IRTA-CReSA.


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Properes activitats

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Ara mateix no hi ha cap activitat propera programada.


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  • Vilarrasa-Nogue, M., Teira-Esmatges, M. R., Gonzalez-Llinas, E., Domingo-Olive, F., & Villar, J. M. (2020). Ammonia volatilisation from pig slurry and ANS with DMPP applied to Westerwold ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., cv. Trinova) under Mediterranean conditions Porcí
  • Atkinson, S., Algers, B., Pallisera, J., Velarde, A., & Llonch, P. (2020). Animal Welfare and Meat Quality Assessment in Gas Stunning during Commercial Slaughter of Pigs Using Hypercapnic-Hypoxia (20% CO2 2% O-2) Compared to Acute Hypercapnia (90% CO2 in Air). Porcí
  • Prenafeta-Boldú, F.X. ; Fernandez, M. ; Viñas, M. ; Lizardo, R. ; Brufau, J. ; Owusu-Asiedu, A.; Walsh, M.C.; Awati, A. (2017). Effect of Bacillus spp. direct-fed microbial on slurry characteristics and gaseous emissions in growing pigs fed with high fibre-based diets. Animal 11 (2 ):209-218 Porcí
  • Prenafeta-Boldú, F.X. ; Fernandez, M. ; Viñas, M. ; Lizardo, R. ; Brufau, J. ; Owusu-Asiedu, A.; Walsh, M.C.; Awati, A. (2017). Effect of Bacillus spp. direct-fed microbial on slurry characteristics and gaseous emissions in growing pigs fed with high fibre-based diets. Animal 11 (2 ):209-218 Porcí
  • Casal, N.; Manteca, X.; Escribano, D.; Cerón, J.J.; Fàbrega, E. (2017). Effect of environmental enrichment and herbal compound supplementation on physiological stress indicators (chromogranin A, cortisol and tumour necrosis factor-a) in growing pigs. Animal 8 (en premsa) Porcí