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Antoni Dalmau

CÀRREC: Investigador del programa Benestar animal / Coordinador de la Welfare Quality Network PROGRAMA: Benestar animal
TELÈFON / EXTENSIÓ: 972 63 00 52 / 1434 MÒBIL: 667 207 042

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· Scopus author ID: Dalmau, Antoni – Author details – Scopus Preview

· Ficha Publons: Antoni Dalmau – Web of Science Core Collection

· Google scholar: ‪ANTONI DALMAU‬ – ‪Google Scholar‬



Línies d’investigació


  1. Estrès, comportament social i alimentari i adaptació a l’hàbitat dels ungulats.
  2. Desenvolupament de mesures de benestar animal i protocols basats en animals per a diferents espècies.
  3. Aversió, por, dolor i estats d’ànim i cognició en animals de granja.
  4. Sacrifici humanitari i estudi de l’eficàcia de l’atordiment a diferents espècies.
  5. Utilització de noves tecnologies en ramats extensius.



Projectes Destacats


  1. European partnership for animal health and animal welfare. Positive Welfare Indicators (EU). 2024-2028.
  2. Characterization of forest Management and socioeconomic promotion in mountain areas through a community herd in a digital environment. OVIHUEC.DAT. (Mineco-Spain). 2024-2025.
  3. Unravelling the influence of gut microbiota and derived metabolites on major depression: A cross-sectional neuroimaging-metabolomics study based on knowledge transfer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and a porcine model: MOODGUT. Foundation Marató de TV3. (409/C/2022). 2022-2025.
  4. Digital Technologies to support the farmer in the assessment of health and animal welfare risks in meat poultry. DAWARE. Proof of Concept (PDC2022-133081-C22). 2022-2024.
  5. Integration of animal welfare into the digital evolution of livestock farming (SMARTWELGRAZ). Spanish Research Program. (TED2021-129315B-C21) 2022-2024.
  6. Interrelationship study among gut microbiota and animal behaviour (gut-brain axis) in growing pigs to increase production efficiency through animal welfare improvements (PIGHAVIOUR). Spanish Research Program. (PID2021-126555OB-I00). 2022-2025.
  7. Validation of faecal indicators of animal welfare in pigs (GUTBRAIN). Spanish Research Program. (PDC2021-121269-I00). 2021-2023.
  8. Study on Animal welfare labelling. DG-Santé, UE. Subcontractor of ICF SA. (2021)
  9. European Centre for Animal Welfare in Poultry and Small Species. EURCAW-Small Farm Animals. DG Sante. 2020-2024.
  10. Technological developments for animal welfare certification and early risk assessment in pork and poultry production chains. Spanish Minister of Research. RTI2018-096034-R. 2019-2022
  11. Improvement of the animal performance in extensive systems by means of geolocalisation collars. Catalan National Program. 2019-2021.
  12. Gut microbiote and host genetics: joint contribution to the efficiency, behaviour and welfare. Spanish National Program. 2018-2021.
  13. Pilot project on best practices on animal transport. Dg Sanco (2015-2018)
  14. Management and feed strategies to reduce the effect of thermal stress on performance, meat quality and animal welfare in pigs reared in Spain. INIA (2015-2017).
  15. Study comparison systems restraining bovine animal by inversion or other unnatural position with Systems maintaining animals in the up-right position taking into account the welfare aspects as well as the socio-economic implications. DG Sanco (2012-2013).
  16. Indicadores de bienestar animal del sistema de montanera del cerdo ibérico y alternativas a la castración quirúrgica de machos y hembras: implicaciones etológicas, productivas, reproductivas y de calidad de canal y carne. INIA (2011-2013)
  17. Effetti dei tempi di riposo al punto di sosta sul benessere di ovini trasportati su lunghe distanze. Programa Nacional de Investigación Italiano (2011).
  18. Preparatory action on control post. DG-SANCO (2011-2012).
  19. Development Animal Welfare Risk Assessment Guidelines on Housing and Management. EFSA.
  20. Integration of animal welfare in the food quality chain: from public concern to improved welfare and transparent quality (Welfare Quality). Eu. FP6.



Publicacions Destacades


  1. Dalmau, A., Ferret, A., Manteca, X. and Calsamiglia, S. 2006. In vitro ruminal fermentation using inoculu from chamois and cattle. Rangeland Ecology and Management 59: 293-299.
  2. Dalmau, A., Ferret, A., Chacón, G. and Manteca, X. 2007. Seasonal changes in faecal cortisol metabolites in a Pyrenean chamois population (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica). Journal of Wildlife Management 71(1):190-194.
  3. N. Panella-Riera, A. Dalmau, E. Fàbrega, M. Font i Furnols, M. Gispert, J. Tibau. J. Soler, A. Velarde, M.A. Oliver and M. Gil. 2008. Effect of supplementation with MgCO3 and L-Tryptophan on the welfare and on the carcass and meat quality of two halothane pig genotypes (NN and nn). Livestock Science, 115: 107
  4. P. Rodriguez, A. Dalmau, J.L. Ruiz-de-la-Torre, X. Manteca, E.W. Jensen, B. Rodriguez, H. Litvan and A. Velarde. 2008. Assessment of unconsciousness during carbon dioxide stunning in pigs. Animal Welfare, 17: 341-349.
  5. A. Dalmau, E. Fàbrega, A. Velarde. 2009. Fear assessment in pigs exposed to a novel object test. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 117: 173-180.
  6. Panella-Riera, N., Velarde, A., Dalmau, A., Fàbrega, E., Font i Furnols, M., Gispert, M., Soler, J., Tibau, J., Oliver, M.A., Gil M. 2009. Effect of magnesium sulphate and L-tryptophan and genotype on the feeintake, behaviour and meat quality of pigs. Livestock Science 124: 277–287.
  7. A. Dalmau, D. Temple, P. Rodríguez, P. Llonch, A. Velarde. 2009. Application of the Welfare Quality protocol at pig slaughterhouses. Animal Welfare, 18: 497-505.
  8. A. Dalmau, A. Velarde, Kamara Scott, Sandra Edwards, Isabelle Veissier Linda Keeling and Andy Butterworth (editores). Título: Welfare Quality. 2009. Assessment protocol for pigs (sows and piglets, growing and finishing pigs). Welfare Quality. Assessment protocol for pigs (sows and piglets, growing and finishing pigs). Welfare Quality® Consortium. (
  9. E. Mainau, A. Dalmau, J.L. Ruiz-de-la-Torre, X. Manteca. 2009. Validation of an automatic system to detect position changes in puerperal sows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 21: 96-102.
  10. S. Martín-Peláez, B. Peralta, E. Creus, A. Dalmau, A. Velarde, JF Pérez, E. Mateu, SM Martín-Orue. 2009. Different feed withdrawal times before slaughter influence caecal fermentation and faecal Salmonella shedding in pigs. Veterinary Journal, 182: 469-473.
  11. A. Ferret and X. Manteca. 2010. Vigilance behaviour of Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica): Effect of Sex and Position in the Herd, 56: 232-237.
  12. A. Dalmau, N. Geverink, A. Van Nuffel, L. van Steenbergen, K. Van Reenen, V. Hautekiet, K. Vermeulen, A. Velarde, F.A.M. Tuyttens. 2010. Repeatability of lameness, fear and slipping scores to assess animal welfare upon arrival in pig slaughterhouses. Animal, 4: 804-809.
  13. A. Dalmau, P. Llonch, P. Rodriguez, J.L. Ruiz-de-la-Torre, X. Manteca, A. Velarde. 2010. Stunning pigs with different gas mixtures. Part 1: Gas Stability. Animal Welfare, 19: 315-323.
  14. A. Dalmau, P. Rodriguez, P. Llonch, A. Velarde. 2010. Stunning pigs with different gas mixtures. Part 2: Aversion in pigs. Animal Welfare, 19: 325-333.
  15. E. Mainau, A. Dalmau, JL. Ruiz-de-la-Torre, X. Manteca. 2010. Scale to measure ease of farrowing in sows. Theriogenology, 74: 1279-1287.
  16. A. Velarde, A. Dalmau, X. Manteca. 2011. Innovating on welfare: an added value? Pp 301-306. In: New trends for innovation in the Mediterranean animal production. EAAP publication nº 129. Wageningen Academic Publishers, (R. Bouche, A. Derkimba and F. Casablanca, eds.). Holanda
  17. D. Temple, A. Dalmau, J.L. Ruiz de la Torre, X. Manteca and A. Velarde. 2011. Application of the Welfare Quality® protocol to assess growing pigs kept under intensive conditions in Spain. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 6: 138-149.
  18. D. Temple, X. Manteca, A. Velarde, A. Dalmau. 2011. Assessment of animal welfare through behavoural parameters in Iberian pigs in intensive and extensive conditions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 131: 29-39.
  19. P. Llonch, A. Andaluz, P. Rodríguez, A. Dalmau, E. W. Jensen, X. Manteca, A. Velarde. 2011. Assessment of consciousness during Propofol anaesthesia in pigs. Veterinary Record, 169: 496-497
  20. E. Mainau, J.L. Ruiz-de-la-Torre, A. Dalmau, J.M. Salleras, X, Manteca, 2012. Effects of Meloxicam (Metacam) on post-farrowing sow behaviour and piglet performance. Animal, 6: 494-501.
  21. D. Temple, V. Courboulay, X. Manteca, A. Velarde, A. Dalmau. 2012. The welfare of growing pigs in five different production systems: assessment of feeding and housing. Animal, 6: 656-667.
  22. P. Llonch, A. Dalmau P. Rodríguez, X. Manteca, A. Velarde. 2012. Aversion to nitrogen and carbon dioxide mixtures for stunning pigs. Animal Welfare: 21, 33-39.
  23. P. Llonch, P. Rodríguez, A. Velarde, V. Abreu de Lima, A. Dalmau. 2012. Aversion to the inhalation of nitrogen and carbon dioxide mixtures compared to high concentrations of carbon dioxide for stunning rabbits. Animal Welfare, 21: 123-129.
  24. A. Velarde, A. Dalmau. 2012. Animal welfare assessment at slaughter in Europe: moving from inputs to outputs. 2012. Meat Science, 92: 244-251.
  25. P. Rodríguez, A. Velarde, A. Dalmau, P. Llonch. 2012. Assessment of unconsciousness during slaughter without stunning in lambs. Animal Welfare, 21(S2): 75-80
  26. A. Velarde, A. Dalmau. 2012. Animal welfare assessment at slaughter in Europe: moving from inputs to outputs. Meat Science, 92(3): 244-251
  27. D. Temple, X. Manteca, A. Dalmau, A. Velarde. 2013. Assessment of test-retest reliability of animal-based measures on growing pig farms. Livestock Science, 151: 35-45.
  28. E. Fàbrega, X. Puigvert, . Soler, J. Tibau, A. Dalmau. 2013. Effect of on farm mixing and slaughter strategy on behaviour, welfare and productivity in Duroc finished entire male pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 143: 31-39.
  29. G.C. Miranda-de la Lama, M. Pascual-Alonso, A. Guerrero, P. Alberti, S. Alierta, P. Sans, J.P. Gajan, M. Villarroel, A. Dalmau, A. Velarde, M.M. Campo, F. Galindo, M.P. Santolaria, C. Sañudo, G.A. María. 2013. Influence of social dominance on production, welfare and the quality of meat from beef bulls. Meat Science, 94: 432-437.
  30. A. Dalmau, A. Ferret, J.L. Ruiz de la Torre, X. Manteca. 2013. Habitat selection and social behaviour in a Pyrenean chamois population (Rupicapra pirenaica pirenaica).Journal of Mountain Ecology, 9: 83-102.
  31. M. Terre, E. Pedrals, A. Dalmau, A. Back. 2013. What do preweaned and weaned calves need in the diet: a high fiber content or a forage source? Journal of Dairy Science, 96: 5217-5225.
  32. V. de Lima, M. Piles, O. Rafel, M. López-Béjar, J. Ramón, A. Velarde, A. Dalmau. 2013. Use of infrared thermography to assess the influency of high environmental temperature on rabbits. Research in Veterinary Science, 95: 802-810.
  33. P.Llonch, P. Rodríguez, M. Jospin, A. Dalmau, X. Manteca, A. Velarde. 2013. Assessment of unconsciousness in pigs during exposure to nitrogen and carbon dioxide mixtures. Animal: 7, 492-498
  34. A.Velarde, P. Rodríguez, A. Dalmau, C. Fuentes, P. Llonch, K.V. von Holleben, M.H. Anil, J.B. Malbooij, H. Pleiter, T. Yesildere, B.T. Cenci-Coga. 2014. Religious slaughter: evaluation of current practices in selected countries. Meat Science, 96: 278-287
  35. A. Dalmau, Antonio Di Nardo, Carolina Realini, Pedro Rodríguez, Pol Llonch, Déborah Temple, Antonio Velarde, Daniel Giansante, Stefano Messori, Paolo Dalla Villa. 2014. Effect of the duration of road transport on the physiology and meat quality of lambs. Animal Production Science, 54: 179-186.
  36. M. Sabés-Alsina, N. Planell, E. Torres-Mejia, E. Taberner, M.J. Maya-Soriano, Ll. Tusell, J. Ramon, A. Dalmau, M. Piles, M. López-Béjar. 2015. Daily exposure to summer circadian cycles affects spermatogenesis, but not fertility in an in vivo rabbits model. Theriogenology, 83: 246-252.
  37. P. Rodríguez, N. Casal, R. Carreras, I. Muñoz, A. Dalmau, A., Velarde. 2015. Electrical stunning effectiveness with current levels than 1A in lambs and kid goats. Research in Veterinary Science, 98: 154-161.
  38. A. Dalmau, A. Velarde, P. Rodríguez, C. Pedernera, P. Llonch, E. Fàbrega, N. Casal, E. Mainau, M. Gispert, V. King, N. Slootmans, A. Thomas, M. Mombarg. 2015. Use of an anti-GnRF vaccine to suppress oestrus in crossbred Iberian female pigs.Theriogenology 84, 342-347
  39. A. Dalmau, A.M. Abdel-Khalek, J. Ramon, M. Piles, J.P. Sanchez, A. Velarde, O. Rafel. 2015. Comparison of behaviour, performance and mortality in restricted and ad libitum fed growing rabbits. Animal. 9: 1172-1180
  40. A. Rubio-González, Y. Potes, D. Illán-Rodríguez, I. Vega-Naredo, V. Sierra, B. Caballero, E. Fàbrega, A. Velarde, A. Dalmau, M. Oliván and A. Coto-Montes. 2015. Effect of animal mixing as a stressor on biomarkers of autophagy and oxidative stress during pig muscle maturation. Animal, 9: 1188-1194
  41. A. Velarde, E. Fàbrega, I. Blanco-Penedo, A. Dalmau. 2015. Animal welfare towards sustainability in pork meat production. Meat Science, 109: 13-17
  42. A. Dalmau, B. Catanese, O. Rafel, P. Rodríguez, C. Fuentes, P. Llonch, E. Mainau, A. Velarde, J. Ramón, E. Taberner, M. López-Béjar, M. Piles. 2015. Effect of high temperatures on breeding rabbits behaviour. Animal Production Science, 55: 1207-1214.
  43. G. Cozzi, F. Gottardo, M. Brscic, B. Contiero, N. Irrgang, U. Knierim, O. Pentelescu, J.J. Windig, L. Mirabito, F. Kling Eveillard, A.C. Dockes, I. Veissier, A. Velarde, C. Fuentes, A. Dalmau, C. Winckler. 2015. Dehorning of cattle in the EU Member States: A quantitative survey of the current practices. Livestock Science, 179: 4-11
  44. S. Messori, C. Pedernera-Romano, D. Magnani, P. Rodríguez, S. Barnard, A. Dalmau, A. Velarde, P. Dalla Villa. 2015. Unloading or not unloading? Sheep welfare implication of rest stop at control post after 29 h transport. Small Ruminant Research, 130: 221-228.
  45. R.Carreras, E. Mainau, P. Rodríguez, P. Llonch, A. Dalmau, X. Manteca, A. Velarde. 2015. Cognitive bias in pigs: individual classification and consistency over time. Journal of Veterinary Behaviour: Clinical applications and research, 10: 577-581.
  46. L.M. Rocha, A. Velarde, A. Dalmau, L. Saucier, L. Faucitano. 2016. Can the monitoring of animal welfare parameters predict pork quality variation through the supply chain (from farm to slaughter)1 Journal of Animal Science, 94: 359-376.
  47. P. Rodriguez, A. Dalmau, X. Manteca, H. Litvan, EW Jensen, A. Velarde. 2016. Assessment of aversion and unconsciousness during exposure high concentrations in lambs. Animal Welfare, 25: 73-82.
  48. M. Martínez, P. Rodriguez, M. Izquierdo, M. Gispert, X. Manteca, E. Mainau, FI Hernández, A. Claret, L. Guerrero, A. Dalmau. 2016. Comparison of meat quality parameters in surgical castrated versus vaccinated against gonadotrophin-releasing factor male and female Iberian pigs reared in free-ranging conditions. Meat Science, 111: 116-121
  49. M. Olivan, V. Fernández-Suárez, F. Díaz-Martínez, V. Sierra, A. Coto-Montes, B. de Luxán-Delgado, R. Peña, A. Bassols, E. Fàbrega, A. Dalmau, A. Velarde. 2016. Identification of biomarkers of stress in meat of pigs managed under different mixing treatments. British Biotechnology Journal, 11: 1-13
  50. A. Dalmau, J. Pallisera, C. Pedernera, I. Muñoz, R. Carreras, N. Casal, E. Mainau, P. RodríguezA. Velarde. 2016. Use of high concentrations of carbon dioxide for stunning rabbits reared for meat production. World Rabbit Science, 24:  25-37
  51. Carreras, R., Arroyo, L., Mainau, E., Peña, R., Bassols, A., Dalmau, A., Faucitano, L., Manteca, X., Velarde, A. 2016. Effect of gender and halothane genotype on cognitive bias and its relationship with fear in pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 177: 12-18.
  52. O. Blumetto, A. Ruggia, A. Dalmau, F. Estellés, A. Villagrá. 2016. Behavioural characterisation of Holstein steers in three different production System. Animal Production Science, 56: 1683-1692.
  53. A. Dalmau, A. Nande, M. Vieira-Pinto, S. Zamprogna, G. Di Martino, J.C.R. Ribas, M. Paranhos da Costa, K. Halinen-Elemo, A. Velarde (2016). Application of the Welfare Quality® protocol in pig slaughterhouses of five countries. Livestock Science, 193:78-87.
  54. R. Carreras, E. Mainau, L. Arroyo, X. Moles, J. Gonzàlez, A. Bassols, A. Dalmau, L. Faucitano, X. Manteca, A. Velarde. 2016. Housing conditions do not alter cognitive bias but affect serum cortisol, qualitative behaviour assessment and wounds on the carcass in pigs. Journal of Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 185:39-44.          
  55. D. Magnani, N. Ferri, A. Dalmau, S. Messori (2017). Knowledge and opinions of veterinary students in Italy toward animal welfare science and law. Veterinary Record, 180:225-232  
  56. A. Dalmau, E.Mainau, A. Velarde (2017). Reliability of fear assessment in growing pigs exposed to a novel object test in commercial conditions. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 20:280-288.
  57. Carreras, R., Arroyo, L., Mainau, E., Valent, D., Bassols, A., Dalmau A, Faucitano, L., Manteca, X., Velarde, A. 2017.Can the way pigs are handled alter behavioural measures of affective state? Behavioural Processes, 142: 91-98
  58. Arikan F, Martinez T, Sanchez A, Campos M, Esteves M, Gandara D, Rodríguez A, Castro C, Dalmau A, Tibau J, Sahuquillo J. 2017. Development of a new experimental model of Malignant ischaemic stroke in porcine model. A proof of concept study. Plos one, 12 : e0172637    
  59. Messori, S, Pedernera-Romano, C, Rodríguez, P, Barnard, S, Giansante D, Magnani D, Dalmau A, Velarde A, Dalla Villa P. 2017. Effects of different rest-stop durations at control posts during a long journey on the welfare of sheep, Veterinaria Italiana, 53: 121-129.
  60. Di Martino, G, Zamprogna, S, Garbo, A, Caucci, C, Marchesan M, Bonfanti L, Dalmau A. 2017. Valutazione del benessere animale nei macelli suinicoli italiani. Large animal Review, 23: 149-153.            
  61. Casal-Plana N, Manteca X, Dalmau A, Fàbrega E. 2017. Influence of enrichment material and herbal compounds in the behaviour and performance of growing pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 195: 38-43
  62. A. Dalmau, B. Areal, S. Machado, J. Pallisera, A. Velarde. 2019. Does the location of enrichment material affect behaviour and dirtiness in growing female pigs? Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 22: 219-240.
  63. A. Dalmau, T.Duarte Borges, E. de Mercado, J. Gonzalez, A. Mateos-San Juan, M. Huerta-Jiménez, E. Gómez-Izquierdo, R. Lizardo, J. Pallisera, F. Borrisser-Pairó, E. Esteve-García, N. Panella-Riera, I. Ovejero. 2019. Effect of environmental temperature, floor type and breed on skatole and indole concentrations in fat of females, immune-castrated and entire males. Livestock Science, 220: 46-51.
  64. N. Pejman, Z. Kallas, A. Dalmau, A. Velarde. 2019. Should Animal Welfare Regulations Be More Restrictive? A Case Study in Eight European Union Countries. Animals, 9 (4); 195:  4-6.
  65. A.C.F. Oliveira, J. González, S. E. Asmar, N. P. Batllori, I Y. Vera, U. R. Valencia, R. Lizardo, T. D. Borges, E. Esteve-Garcia, N. Panella, L. B. Costaaand A. Dalmau. 2020. The effect of feeder system and diet on welfare, performance and meat quality, of growing – finishing Iberian x Duroc pigs under high environmental temperatures. Livestock Science, 234.
  66. Y. Ramayo-Caldas, F. Prenafeta-Boldú, L.M. Zingaretti, O. González-Rodríguez, A. Dalmau, R. Quintanilla, M. Ballester. 2020. Gut eukaryotic communities in pigs: diversity, composition and host genetic contribution. Animal Microbiome, 2: 18-30
  67. M. Martinez-Macipe, E. Mainau, X. Manteca, A. Dalmau. 2020. Environmental and management factors affecting the time budgets of free-ranging Iberian pigs reared in Spain. Animals, 10: 798
  68. A. Dalmau, X. Moles, J. Pallisera. 2020. Animal Welfare assessment protocol for does, bucks and kit rabbits reared for production. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7: 445.
  69. N. Botelho. M. Vieira-Pinto, P. Batchelli, J. Pallisera, A. Dalmau. 2020. Testing an animal welfare assessment protocol for growing rabbits reared for meat production based on the Welfare Quality approach. Animals, 10: 1415.
  70. T. Duarte-Borges, M. Huerta-Jimenez, N. Casal, J. Gonzalez, N. Panella-Riera, A. Dalmau. 2020. To provide a double feeder in growing pigs housed under high environmental temperatures reduces social interactions but does not improve weight gains. Animals, 10: 2248.
  71. A. Dalmau, M. Marínez-Macipe, X. Manteca, E. Mainau. 2020. Sex differences in group composition and habitat use of Iberian free-range pigs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7: 600259.
  72. A Reverter, M. Ballester, P.A. Alexandre, E. Mármol-Sánchez, A. Dalmau, R. Quintanilla, Y. Ramayo-Caldas. 2021. A gene co-association network regulating gut microbial communities in a Duroc pig population. Microbiome, 9: 52.
  73. A. Dalmau. 2021. Human-animal relationship in swine. Key factors to take into account. Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía de Medellín, 74: S28-S30.
  74. Y. Ramayo, L. M. Zingaretti, D. Pérez-Pascual, P. Alexandre, A. Reverter-Gómez, A. Dalmau, R. Quintanilla, M. Ballester. 2021. Leveraging host-genetics and gut microbiota to determine immunocompetence in pigs. Animal Microbiome, 3(1):74
  75. A.S. Larivière-Lajoie, D. Cinq-Mars, F. Guay, S. Binggeli, A. Dalmau, L. Saucier. 2021. Hierarchical clustering as a tool to develop a classification scheme for rabbit meat quality. World Rabbit Science, 29: 129-149.
  76. M. Font-i-Furnols, A. Claret, L. Guerrero Aserey, A. Dalmau. 2022. Consumers’ expectations about meat from surgical castrated or immunocastrated male and female Iberian pigs. Animals, 12, 468.
  77. A.C.F. Oliveira, L.M. Bernardi, A.L.B. Monteiro, K.G. Silva, S.H. Weber, T.D. Borges, A. Dalmau, L. B. Costa. 2022. Induced stress and tactile stimulation applied to primiparous does and their consequences on maternal behaviour, human-animal relationships, and future offspring’s sexual disorders. Veterinary Research Communications, 46:925-938.
  78. K.G. da Silva, T.D. Borges, L.B. Costa, A. Dalmau, C. S. Sotomaior. 2022. Rabbit welfare protocols under Brazilian conditions: The applicability of welfare protocols in rabbit farm for different purposes – First results. Journal of Veterinary Behaviour, 54: 36-53.
  79. A.C. Fonseca-Oliveira, S. Henrique-Weber, Y. Ramayo-Caldas, A. Dalmau, L.B. Costa. 2023. Hierarchy establishment in growing finishing pigs: Impacts on behaviour, growth performance, and physiological parameters. Animals, 13: 292.
  80. A.C. Fonseca-Oliveira, L.B. Costa, S. Henrique-Weber, Y. Ramayo-Caldas, A. Dalmau. 2023. Mixed management in growing and finishing pigs: Differences between gender and their impacts on behaviour, growth performance, and physiological parameters. Plos One, 18: 4.
  81. Y. Ramayo-Caldas, D. Crespo-Piazuelo, J. Morata, O. González-Rodríguez, C. Sebastià, A. Castello, A. Dalmau, S. Ramos-Onsins,. K. G. Alexiou, J.M. Folch, R. Quintanilla, M. Ballester. 2023. Copy number variation on ABCC2-DNMBP Loci affects the diversity and composition of the fecal microbiota in pigs. Microbiology Spectrum. DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.05271-22
  82. D. Escribano, A. Contreras-Jodar, M. López-Arjona, J. J. Cerón, E. Fàbrega, P. Aymerich, A. Dalmau. 2023. Changes in cortisol and cortisone in hair of pigs reared under heat stress conditions. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1156480.
  83. A. Contreras-Jodar, D. Escribano, J. J. Cerón, M. López-Arjona, P. Aymerich, C. Soldevila, E. Fàbrega, A. Dalmau. 2023. Reducing stocking densities and using cooling systems for more adapted pigs to high temperatures when reared in intensive conditions. Animals, 13, 2424. DOI: 10.3390/ani13152424.
  84. A.S Larivière-Lajoie, P. Laforge, A.T. Vincent, S. Binggeli, D. Cinq-Mars, F. Guay, F. Raymond, A. Dalmau, L. Saucier. 2023. Pre-slaughter feed withdrawal time and its effect on rabbit blood measures, gastrointestinal tract parameters and Longissimus Lumborum glycolytic potential. World Rabbit Science, 31:237-261.